Sorry it has been a while i don't do enuff stuff to make it worth writing half the time. So where to begin well i just got over being sick
yeah it sucked i was not puking but had a kick ass sinus infection and a haggard ass cold to go along with it. Right b4 i got sick i recorded a song with my friend tom kinda as a joke thing. my good friend Dwell AKA lew has this lil hip hop group thing that he is involved with they are called third kind they are really good well if you like underground hip hop. any way point of the story is that me and tom we call ourselves the trashmen and we always joke with lew tellin him we are goin to be better rappers than him and basiclly bust his balls 4 rappin so he called us out and set up a mini studio in his office so we could record some songs. so he made us a beat and we did it. suprisingly it was not half bad for a 1st attempt i actually kinda liked it. who'da thought id be rappin pffft not me.
on saturday i went to a motorcycle show at the fairgrounds it was awesome russel mitchell was there he is like my idol. his bikes are sooo fuckin unreal awesome i creamed my jeans!!
also he is the coolest bike builders around he is like a mean ass brittish dude. not really i guess there were mad people there to meet him he signed autographs 4 like 6+ hours. i have a ton of respect 4 him. goin just made me angry cuz i don't have a bike and can't afford one and insurance right now so i gotta wait but one day i will have one oh yes it will be mine!!!
well i guess that is it really not much goin on here i hope everyones life is this uneventful!

Sorry it has been a while i don't do enuff stuff to make it worth writing half the time. So where to begin well i just got over being sick

on saturday i went to a motorcycle show at the fairgrounds it was awesome russel mitchell was there he is like my idol. his bikes are sooo fuckin unreal awesome i creamed my jeans!!

well i guess that is it really not much goin on here i hope everyones life is this uneventful!

Been having the convo with a bunch of friends. I know at least 3 close friends who have been in bad motorcycle accidents. One had his arm almost completely ripped off and for the past 15-20 years has been a mess. Bad arthritis and very little lung capacity. As much as I want a bike, it just isn't worth it. Well, anyhow, Goodbye and goodluck.
That scooter has no wheels