Today, my cat Speedo died. He was 16 year old (80 yrs old for a cat). It sucks soooooo much. I'm fucking going crazy. Death is such a bitch.
Been 7 days in Las Vegas around New Years Day. I Had a great time going to see the Steel Panther in show at the House of Blues. Going out at Coyote Ugly was kinda cool too. Fell in love with a waitress there, but......well, you know, the usual. I got stock 1 day in Cleveland because of the sow! I Had a great time....
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My tiger arm tatoo is all done! Now I can relaxe till 2012 and finish my back. Tis is getting addictive.
I'm still alive! 6 years after I've been diagnose with brain cancer and done radiotherapy and chemotherapy, I'm still part of this world. After having fight something so big, has death, I feel now that my life is senseless. What can I achieve now? I should be so grateful to be here now, to be with my friends and family, but still, something is missing....
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Je suis aller voir le vernissage d'ric Dufour sa shop de tatous Art Cyniq. Trs belle exposition. Je suis tomb amoureux d'une toile que j'ai achet. a fait vraiment du bien d'acheter le l'art.
J'ai remport la troisime place au concours de tatous dans la cadre du Art tatoo show de Montral, samedi le 11 octobre. J'tais inscris dans la catgorie gros tatou couleur. C'est une catgorie o il y avait beaucoup de comptition alors un troisime prix c'est trs bien. Je suis content pour la reconnaissance que cela va ajouter mon tatoueur Eric Dufour de chez Art Cynique...
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I just wanna say this again: "You're obliged to pretend respect for people and institutions you think absurd. You live attached in a cowardly fashion to moral and social conventions you despise, condemn, and know lack all foundation. It is that permanent contradiction between your ideas and desires and all the dead formalities and vain pretenses of your civilization which makes you sad, troubled and...
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Thanks! kiss
i love montreal i wient there 5 times last year