These are my fav set of "approved" SGs last year. It was amazing to look back at all the great work you gals did and this is only purchased sets, another treasure trove is in member review, my picks for best of member review is coming soon. Let me know your picks too. We are truly blessed

1. Kemper "Day by Day" This set was so amazing because she chronicled herself over time, with different photographers and changes she did with tattoos and breast inhancements. I cannot imagine how brave and vunerable you all must feel to expose your lives to us, for her openess this was my set of the year.

2. Chunni "Illummi Naughti" Chunni broke through fast on member review with this breathtaking set. I love her look, she is classic, modern, futuristic, its Haute couture (think thats how its spelled, lol) too. I love the handmade clothes, the simple chinese globes, her makeup, hair and face is incredible. I still shake my head on how beautiful this set is. It is uncommon, unusual and in its own league.

3. Abbiss+ Lyvia "DIsco Fever" This is also the best multi. I love how 2Shadowland shot this. It is so beautifully lit. So intimate, it really feels like we are flies on the wall watching this love affair. This duo of model and photographer work so hard on bringing creative sets to us and they always have success. The multi by Lilith Vain is an honorable mention, so demented and fun.

4.VIking "Starship" I will come clean to you all, I love props and VIking has them in spades for this steam punk set. I love the retro victorian angle for this set and I am sure its a lot of work to prep yourselves to model nude and Viking has gone the extra mile to give us a great storyline too, for that she is a solid 4 for last year. Honorable mention for best props go to Fractal for her Momenti Mori, loved that too.

5. Nemisis "Jeliza Rose" I love how hard Nemesis works, she shots herself a lot, others and is shot by Korron on this set placed somewhere in deep southern sweden. To me, Nemesis is the star of N. Europe, so successful and prolific. I love her look and its many forms (she's quite the chameleon).

6. Silvia "Stay on the Line" I love this set because it is best of the hotel room sets. Face it, its been so done to go to a hotel room in Vegas or comic con and shoot a set. So they know this and still do it so well. Silvia looks great, acts great, its hot, its believable and very sexy.

7. Paula "And the Birds" Paula is the SG poster girl of the 2009 in my opinion. She has a comic book great overall look. Her ink is perfect (She has a Kat Von D feel to her look) and her uniform look to her ink art is spot on. She wins for best chest piece too. great photography, lingerie, makeup, hair, props, this set has it all.

8. Lavonne + Glitch tie for "Self" and "Fixation". This a great muse model relationship. They seem to really understand each other. Lavonne is a great photographer that usually saves the her best shots for herself until she met Glitch.

The pics of Glitch in Fixation are stunning. I love the warmth and love that comes through these pics. Lavonne remains the best self shooter on SG. Dot had that title in 2008 but Lavonne firmly holds in for last year. I see big things for this wonderful team.

9. Rigel "Petite Merde" Rigel is another SG that is so prolific and talented. This set also has the freakiest shot in it, the eye at the last frame. It is an eye of a capture wild animal. This is a set of someone who desperately wants and needs to escape. Acted and modeled brilliantly. It is also the best of the deserted barn sets. Great work.

10.Sinnah "Dreamlands" Of the sets of the forrest this one was tops for me. It is so beautifully dreamy. It feels like it was shot by Julia Margaret Cameronn or by Ivory Merchant. I saw in her blog about the dangers she endured later for "dreamlands" and I think it was worth the pain. Its a beautiful set in the shire. I loved it.

Have a great 2010!