After handing in one of the biggest pieces of uni work of my life so far (which only covers half a module!!), I have been partying its back to work, more uni work and trying not to freak out about my ever down spiraling financial situation.
(OK, so I'm maybe still moping about the "guy", but trying desperately not to)...
I am seemingly lucky this weekend, my friends from back home decided to give me surprise visit! OMG! LOL! So we went out and had an amazing time! It was sad to see them go today! But I think this weekend has definitely made me appreciate what I have and not what I think i should have. Life is good!
Last night was a complete blast! Drunkards, fire lovers, marajabubu on the rounds and some reggae on the stereo = WINNING!
Today I did my good deed and went to a charity workshop to help raise money for Japan, I attempted to make a robot panda AKA "Mechani-panda" (as below) but it didn't turn out so well! But at least i contributed to charity and... Read More
OK! After yesterdays utterly depressing post about my failed love life! I think being miserable for two months is enough, more than enough. (In fact it went on for far too long, but the heart must grieve what it must)
So its Friday night! Tonight with all my house mates (all 7 us) will be surrounded by a wood burner and some beers to start... Read More
Feels miserable. Why? Because of love. It seems a once confident Lelly, is now questioning her self worth because of a man. A man who mislead me and used me, but expects me to understand his unintentional damage while I can berely get through the day without crying because hes hurt me so much.
Im tired. Im so very tired of men and how I... Read More
I will post something juicy later but for now I am going to edit my Rob Zombie pictures! YAY! Saw him last month and he was EPIC! Shame the venue was so small. :-/
I try not to be one to moan...however at the moment I wish to curl up into a ball and hide. Such the woes of becoming an organised and self-reliant adult! OVERRATED! (At the moment) Work sucks ass and so do the people that work there, with an exception for one or two. But i have to try and work all hours god sends... Read More