Ok, so this is a weird one, and it kinda took form as I was making it. I used images from @loyola's photoset https://www.suicidegirls.com/girls/loyola/album/5180285/doll-parts/ which was shot by the very talented @doce (Who, quelle surprise, is also a very successful SG to boot) and as the image took shape, I noticed her eyes and thought, a man could drown in them. So, Hypnotic Gaze was born. Then, Spotify played Kansas' Point of Know Return (Which is why there is the misspell, I did it deliberately.) Then it went full on Supernatural after I decided that Miss @loyola would make a rather deadly Succubi, or maybe a Siren, now I think about it (Jeez Leigh, think of the tags before you post photos, she would be a much better Siren.) Whatever happens, I could see Sam and Dean battle this beauty and fall into her trap. Hope you all like it :-D
Yeah, I dunno what goes on in my head sometimes, either, but here we go. @mimo and @gloom double header, because let's be fair, these two ladies look damned good together. I was a little wary of this, because much like my HSM piece, this is based off a child-friendly franchise (I suppose, with rule 34 being a thing, I could probably find a lot worse on the old interwebs, but shh.). Anyways, I shall stop rambling. The photos are all taken from their joint shoot https://www.suicidegirls.com/girls/mimo/album/5681063/call-me-beep-me/ which was shot by the superb @minuminula . Hope you all like it, despite it's more comic book style. :-)
@mistressshey artwork! How this young lady is still a hopeful, is quite honestly, beyond my comprehension. She's everything an SG should look like, IMHO. Anyway, rant over, I wanted to use this photoset for a little while now and this opportunity arose, shortly after she released her third set LOL. Photos used are all from her second photoset https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/mistressshey/album/5779084/behind-the-office/ which was shot by the talented @mimo who is quite the accomplished SG herself (And is also quite beautiful.) Hope you all like it.
Yep, I seem to have hit a goldmine with this young lady @walerya. I promise I will stop making artwork of her, I can give up any time (Isn't that what most addicts say?) Until that day, here comes some more fanart, this time from, I believe her very first set here, https://www.suicidegirls.com/girls/walerya/album/3504214/walerya-on-the-rocks/, which was shot by the super talented @lucabenni. Yes, I stole the title from Neil Diamond and obvs also riffed it from the title of the actual photoset. Hope you all like it :-)