More @kailo fanart because I might have a bit of a crush on her LOL. This one took about 2 hours to make and it's not perfect, but for some reason, I quite like it. Photos used are from her 3rd photoset https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/kailo/album/5806286/the-force-awakens/, which was released on October 19th and was shot by the very talented @renoleephoto. Personally, if she was a Sith lord and wanted to seduce me to the dark side, I'd already be buying clothes from Hot Topic.
Omfg this is sick!
You know sometimes when you accidentally discover a photoset that changes everything? That was me upon discovering @kailo and her fantastic photoset https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/kailo/album/5833187/call-of-booty/, which was shot by the very talented @renoleephoto. I clicked on her profile and the first thing that greeted me was her profile photo, which is a very teasing piece depicting her as Rey from Star Wars. There was something about that photo that ignited something in me (Hint hint, it might be the sideboob LOL) and I knew I wanted to make some artwork of her. Now I have no idea where the idea for this came about, but let's say, I have gorged myself on chicken and may have been in a weird mood. Anyway, I digress, hope you all like it :-)
This is such a fun project! I love how it looks like a sexy movie trailer. Thank you for the kind words (:
Ok, so, this is what I was talking about earlier, and I know I've not gone over the top or challenged myself too much, but the paint textures behind @scorpio are made by me, using my Wacom tablet thingy (Which I am still no good at using LMAO). Anyway, @scorpio fanart! I think this young lady is so fucking beautiful and should have been Pink a long time ago. Photos are from her second photoset https://www.suicidegirls.com/members/scorpio/album/4844354/a-world-without-light/ which was shot by the very talented @leemalee (I think I tagged that right, but I know Lee is no longer here and do not wish to diuscuss why.) Hope you all like it :-)
Also, FWIW, I don't think I butchered the texting this time either, which is rare for me LOL, normally I can't text for toffee.
"Now let's find out who was really making lewd fanart"... "Old man Gabriel!" Yes, I couldn't resist, nor could I resist making really shit puns involving @foxyy's breasts. Credits are exactly the same as the previous piece (And yes, I did make them pretty much the same time, hence why this submission is not even 10 minutes after the first one.) What can I say, I'm quick, or at least, that's what my ex-girlfriend said, anyway.