I haven't posted recent self pics in a long time. Lots of news to share.
My mother had a single mastectomy last week. She is doing very well and I've been spending loads of time with her, seeing that she makes a speedy recovery. I hate living 2 bridges away from my mother but we haven't lived together in 13 years and I think it might better for both of us that way.
Things with MTV are going well. I just got a promotion and they extended my freelance contract for another 9 months. At least I'll be financially stable for a while. I'm building my portfolio. Shot the Jersey Shore cast, The Dr. WHO cast, Eliza Doolittle and an amazing singer LISSIE. I'm so relieved that my life is finally taking flight after a grueling hiatus. I just hope it stays that way.
The boi and I are talking about moving in together. It's about fucking time...it's only been almost 4 years. That's a whole other story in itself. (sigh)
Anyhoo, I'm really bummed about my best friend. She is the most selfish person I've ever met. My boi doesn't like her because she and I were lovers on and off since high school but we've always kept in touch. I haven't seen her in almost a year. On my birthday in the beginning of the month I received a Happy Birthday text from her after not hearing from her for 9 months or so. I replied with some cynical, bitter remark and she promised she would call the very next day...explaining how her life still sucks and she wanted to catch up with me. I told her I wouldn't hold my breath and thank the stars I didn't...I'd be dead. It sucks when you hold on to the people from your past because that's all you have left of it. I pass her house every time I visit my family in Jersey. I know she is in love with me but don't make promises you have no intention of keeping. Sorry needed to vent.
Btw-totally been fantasizing about him lately-

<swoon> to all you lovely ladies out there.
you are gorgeous!! 

aw thanks!