Hello SG Land,
I'm just sitting here at home, watching my download of some DLC for Borderlands 2. Which is as cool as the first one. Was playing Torgue's Campaign of Carnage yesterday. It is BADASS!!!!! Those of you in the know will get it! Downloading Hammerlock's Hunt, waiting..waitin..wait......
Fuck Microsoft, WTF is with the making me watch each and every download instead of just queing them like we did before you increased your SUCK FACTOR!!!!....I will still play, and download copious packs of DLC for my games, but I just have to bitch!!!!! Don't get me started on the Xbox needing to talk to the mothership so you can play your DLC....That is a whole different rant all on its own.
It's almost Gear's Day...GOW Judgement is almost here!! I am so pumped! I love this franchise, it is no longer a game but a franchise.........Fuck It!!!! It will be awesome just the same.
Can we get Tuesday officially changed to GearsDay???? C'mon people, who is with me??? I don't know if I will get the season pass, it seems like every game released offers a season pass for new and exciting DLC...I have the Borderlands season pass, I am contemplatng the Defiance MMORPGSHOOTIE when it comes out, and now Gears????? Choices...Choices...Choices??????? HMMM
Holy F!!! I'm only 85% complete at the time of this blog....Where has the tme gone???/
Who knows, Oh well..
That's me, being a slacker...
My new job is going great, so I am way happy right now.. may be I will chat more on this later.
Peace SG Land!!!!!!!
Thanks for listening.
I'm just sitting here at home, watching my download of some DLC for Borderlands 2. Which is as cool as the first one. Was playing Torgue's Campaign of Carnage yesterday. It is BADASS!!!!! Those of you in the know will get it! Downloading Hammerlock's Hunt, waiting..waitin..wait......
Fuck Microsoft, WTF is with the making me watch each and every download instead of just queing them like we did before you increased your SUCK FACTOR!!!!....I will still play, and download copious packs of DLC for my games, but I just have to bitch!!!!! Don't get me started on the Xbox needing to talk to the mothership so you can play your DLC....That is a whole different rant all on its own.
It's almost Gear's Day...GOW Judgement is almost here!! I am so pumped! I love this franchise, it is no longer a game but a franchise.........Fuck It!!!! It will be awesome just the same.
Can we get Tuesday officially changed to GearsDay???? C'mon people, who is with me??? I don't know if I will get the season pass, it seems like every game released offers a season pass for new and exciting DLC...I have the Borderlands season pass, I am contemplatng the Defiance MMORPGSHOOTIE when it comes out, and now Gears????? Choices...Choices...Choices??????? HMMM
Holy F!!! I'm only 85% complete at the time of this blog....Where has the tme gone???/
Who knows, Oh well..
That's me, being a slacker...
My new job is going great, so I am way happy right now.. may be I will chat more on this later.
Peace SG Land!!!!!!!
Thanks for listening.

Thanks so so much for all your love. You warm my little milky heart <3