Well Crap!! Looks lke my internship is ending next week, there isn't any budget money to extend me Which is a bummer cuz I really like the company and what I was doing. But all is not lost! During an interview with one of the department heads evaluating the internship program told me that my supervisor had good things to say to me, and to be sure to give her my contact information before I go. They will be starting up the internships sometime in the summer, so I will keep my eyes peeled. I just need a nice temporary job in the mean time that doesn't suck or pay crap wages.
My supervisor told me to keep checking the company website, and if there was a job that I wanted to apply for I needed to give her a call so she can put in a good word for me. So i guess working hard and being awesome does pay off in the long run. Damn budgets!!!
It does kind of suck since it is the X-mas season, but I'll do fine, I can restart my unemployment which covers my basic bills, no internet for me for a while still, and I only used 2 months of it. Not the greatest, but I still have some savings frio my last job. I'm glad I wasn't a total dumb ass and spent all the extra cash I was making while I was at school.
Ah Starbucks and your free wi-fi, you will be my new friend!
The only thing that really pisses me off in this whole sorted affair is that with out internet all of the cool DLC that I have for my Xbox I can't play. WTF!!! Borderlands, Mass Effect, Ghost Recon, Fall Out and New Vegas the list goes on and on....Whet the hell Microsoft!!! You suck, at least you haven't been hacked yet, but you still suck!! I bought all this cool shit and now I can't play it because my console can't check in with the mothership so you can spy on me...GRRRR!! What is the fun of being unemployed and burning a few days replaying my favorite games if I can't also play the great add on stuff that made those games so much cooler? I can't spend every day filling out job applications, this was supposed to keep me sane!!!
Okay I'm done now, maybe....HA HA HA HA.........At least I have SG, so I know I will be okay!
Later SG land!
My supervisor told me to keep checking the company website, and if there was a job that I wanted to apply for I needed to give her a call so she can put in a good word for me. So i guess working hard and being awesome does pay off in the long run. Damn budgets!!!
It does kind of suck since it is the X-mas season, but I'll do fine, I can restart my unemployment which covers my basic bills, no internet for me for a while still, and I only used 2 months of it. Not the greatest, but I still have some savings frio my last job. I'm glad I wasn't a total dumb ass and spent all the extra cash I was making while I was at school.
Ah Starbucks and your free wi-fi, you will be my new friend!
The only thing that really pisses me off in this whole sorted affair is that with out internet all of the cool DLC that I have for my Xbox I can't play. WTF!!! Borderlands, Mass Effect, Ghost Recon, Fall Out and New Vegas the list goes on and on....Whet the hell Microsoft!!! You suck, at least you haven't been hacked yet, but you still suck!! I bought all this cool shit and now I can't play it because my console can't check in with the mothership so you can spy on me...GRRRR!! What is the fun of being unemployed and burning a few days replaying my favorite games if I can't also play the great add on stuff that made those games so much cooler? I can't spend every day filling out job applications, this was supposed to keep me sane!!!
Okay I'm done now, maybe....HA HA HA HA.........At least I have SG, so I know I will be okay!
Later SG land!
Awwwwwwwww...I'm sorry babe.