I had the day off and went to see "Sucker Punch". I really had no idea what the film was about. For those of you haven't seen it. Keep an open mind, and be prepared to see some cool effects. I really don't want to spoil anyone's fun. Heck I don't even know if it is still in the theatres back in the States???? Oh well. Hot chicks, guns, cool special effects, I think it is a good one to go see.
This one will probably end up in the movie collection, I am currently trying to locate the soundtrack to see if it is worth having also. If you go to the Sucker Punch website by Warner brothers , there are some cool wallpapers and other downloads, and you can buy the "Art Book"
So go check out the website: suckerpunchmovie.warnerbros.com
Have fun!!
This one will probably end up in the movie collection, I am currently trying to locate the soundtrack to see if it is worth having also. If you go to the Sucker Punch website by Warner brothers , there are some cool wallpapers and other downloads, and you can buy the "Art Book"
So go check out the website: suckerpunchmovie.warnerbros.com
Have fun!!
thanxxx you!!

That was the best response by far that I've gotten on the chicken baking. I'm completely terrible at everything except -actual- baking [re: cookies, cakes, brownies, etc], the entire rest of my resume consists of egg-related things. I don't have anyone to show or teach me, and Google is full of nonsense and people trying too hard to be "impressive" or "healthy" or "frugal" or "creative." You answered exactly what I wanted to know -- which was the very basic how of the thing. So, thank you for taking the time. ♥