It's another Saturday night
and I ain't got nobody
I got some money
cause I just got paid
Now how I wish
I had someone to talk to
I'm in an awful way

I guess I'll study instead puke
"Ordinary men fear solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole Universe."
-- Lao Tzu

Just another lonely Wednesday night. I dunno why, but Wed. is always the low part of the week for me, like the afterglow from the weekend is gone, and the next weekend is still too far off.

So tonight I'm...
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I always listen to NIN "Pretty Hate Machine" on Valentine's Day. It's a wonderful contrast to all the kitszy nonsense going on around me.

The NIN song Johnny Cash covered is called "Hurt". I think. It's late, and I just wrote a long paper. tongue He also covered U2's "One" and Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus". I don't care for "Personal Jesus", but Mr. Cash turned it into this really cool bluesy song.
so yeah i was really out of it tonight
i was thinking about another website when you asked me if i was on it
yeah im on here hahaha
Day two of having short Black hair (the first time I've ever dyed it)
some notes:

It looks fucking awesome.
Girls at clubs are more likely to dance with me than when I had a brown mop.
Even though I'm not a Goth, I'd make a really convincing one. I already have the moodiness, loneliness, and depressive outlook on life, but with the exception of...
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black hair is sexy. I prefer to have mine multi colored, but thats just me...Im nikki by the way smile
Something like that ya....
so I woke up this morning and decided the perfect way to chase away my hangover was to get my hair cut and then dye it. You can't tell from my pic, but I'm naturally a dirty blond, though I've never really liked it so I'm dyeing it black. It's the first time I've ever done this, so I had to get a friend to...
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it worked! It makes my new haircut look way better (I went to a cheap place and the lady cut it too short). Now to go get the reaction from the viewing public.
Why do all the cool cute girls I meet have boyfriends in far-away places who they never even see but wanna stay with anyway?!? AAARRRGH! Long-distance relationships suck!
it's one of the mysteries of life.
psssss... it's a ploy. give them the same story back, that way you can sleep with them and neither of you have to worry about commitment. both sides win, and the imaginary s.o.'s are none the wiser. wink
Well, I tried having everyone vote on my pic, but almost nobody responded. But, the vote was 2 in favor and none opposed, so I'm keeping it, as wierd as it is. And I'm fuckin' drunk biggrin so I can't talk more.
Keep the pic. Why not? smile
See me, know me,
vote on me.
Is that real woad or makeup?

(Did you know that actual, true woad has hallucinogenic properties?)
it's blue food coloring, dissolved in water, and applied with a pesticide sprayer. Lasts about 36 hours if you don't shower or sweat a lot. The orange is regular acrylic paint like we all used in art class. Nothing fancy. I did know that about woad, but I've never used it in any way.
I just got back from a speech by Chuck D (of Public Enemy fame) at my college. He's really cool, I'm glad I could finally see him live (sorta).

And that's all, since I'm about to collapse from the after-effects of staying up all night working on papers.

good night everyone .....
Wow, how cool is that?
Sigh ... my girlfriend and I broke up today. frown

She had a rather hard reaction to my admission that her ex (a good friend of mine), who she was physically abusive towards, had warned me to stay away from her. Never mind how that topic came up in my conversations with her. I suppose she realized that I couldn't trust her, and she didn't want...
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Just a site I thought you might appriciate.

Thanks. I'm not THAT severe in my hatred of mayo, though.
Cloudy, my thoughts are scattered and they're cloudy
they have no borders, no boundaries ...

Why can't I bring myself to do my homework? frown mad bok