I've been busy today....I rearranged my bedroom, cleaned, & changed my emails & messengers. If you want to know what they've been changed to, go to the Speak to me/Journal page of my website. And while you're there, why don't you sign my guestbook &/or join my forum like MetalEric, CrYsTaL, sexygal20031, crazedlunatik, norritt, deathcharger, El_Kameleon, SLC7675, desmobile, anger_frog, Heff, B1LL, Cureelise, & BriTe_Red_ScreaM have done.
Ok, this isn't cool...after I hooked my computer back up, I noticed this....the bottom right hand side of my computer screen is faded in color. WTF!
Can this be fixed & if so, can it be fixed by me or do I have to take it in, even though I can't afford to? My computer is a little over 3 years old and was fine until I hooked everything back up after rearranging my room today. I can't afford to buy a new one or to get this one fixed. If you honestly know the answer to this problem, then tell me....if you're just guessing, then fuck off. (READ THE EDIT AT THE BOTTOM)
Kinkerbelle_69 sent me this video last night & I thought it was funny, so I'm sharing it with all of you.....HAHA!......Enjoy!
I have nothing else say right now....This is my third update for today....& I'm exhausted.
I love you all!!!
YAY! My computer screen is fixed! My friend Chad (co-owner of my websites forum) helped me fix it....All I had to do was go into the controls on the moniter & click the magnet shaped icon.

Ok, this isn't cool...after I hooked my computer back up, I noticed this....the bottom right hand side of my computer screen is faded in color. WTF!

Kinkerbelle_69 sent me this video last night & I thought it was funny, so I'm sharing it with all of you.....HAHA!......Enjoy!
I have nothing else say right now....This is my third update for today....& I'm exhausted.

I love you all!!!

YAY! My computer screen is fixed! My friend Chad (co-owner of my websites forum) helped me fix it....All I had to do was go into the controls on the moniter & click the magnet shaped icon.



kewl....taking a shit...letting the doggie eat it.
lmao. You're so fucking great!