WooHoo!!! My grrl, CrYsTaL, got our grrl, Liz an account!! Her name on here is sexygal20031. She's a sweetie & one of me & CrYsTaL's good friends, so be nice to her & add her or I'll have to beat your ass!!!
It's time to pimp out the website & forum again, since I've gained a shitload of new "friends" these past few days. Why have I gotten so popular on this site lately?
Want to meet some really cool people in an environment where there are hardly any rules & pretty much anything goes, not to mention it's free to join? Then the Freek Nation forum is for you!
We're looking for new/active members, so c'mon....Join us! I promise you won't be disappointed.
And if you're feeling up to it, check out my website & sign the guestbook.
PunkRockGrrl/Freek Nation
Hope to see some of you there & posting on a regular basis!
Please, if you're not going to log-in & post on regular basis, don't bother to register....We have enough deadbeats, who will soon be removed. Thanks.
And thank you to those of you who have already joined....MetalEric & CrYsTaL & sexygal20031, (who have been there since day 1 of my first forum & website back in August 2004), deathcharger, SLC7675, El_Kameleon, crazedlunatik, norritt, desmobile, anger_frog, Heff, Cureelise, B1LL....You guys rock!
Also, I still have a shitload of GMAIL invites to give away, so if you want one or know somebody who does, give me an email addy so I can send you/them one.
I love you all!!!
I have this semi-large friends list but it's all bullshit, 3/4 of the people on it don't even answer back.
Oh well, no worries.