oh i forgot - i've been working at harcourt assessment again since february...i used to work there from '02-'04 and a little in '05 too...i'm a test scorer now (which i had done before) - it's standardized state tests from around the nation...it's project by project, so it's never for very long, although it seems it's been very long this season...
i'm ready for it to end...hopefully we'll be done with the current project by next week sometime and i can take a break...i never really liked harcourt much to begin with...i started as a scorer, then i went on to a permanent position as an assistant editor before i started teaching full time...
now, ever since i've been back, i can't stand being there for more than 3-4 hours at a time...i don't know why they haven't fired me yet...although i am really good at it, so i don't know...
anyway, it's nice to have a little bit of money (emphasis on the little - harcourt pays its readers $9.50 an hour, while ETS and Pearson are more like $12-$15 and they let you work form home - i think i could deal with that) - i even splurged and actually paid money for recorded music - i bought a CD!
Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti - i actually used to own all the zeppelin CDs when i was a young man of about 13, but i had to sell them, along with most of my CDs, in college...i don't know why i bought that particular album again - "Houses of the Holy" "Custard Pie" and "The Rover" just kept popping into my head - very strange...
i may get the new Bjork album, i'm not sure yet...i really like "earth intruders" but the rest of it that i've heard is still too mellow for my liking...i'm waiting for the new smashing pumpkins and marilyn manson with bated breath...
i'm ready for it to end...hopefully we'll be done with the current project by next week sometime and i can take a break...i never really liked harcourt much to begin with...i started as a scorer, then i went on to a permanent position as an assistant editor before i started teaching full time...
now, ever since i've been back, i can't stand being there for more than 3-4 hours at a time...i don't know why they haven't fired me yet...although i am really good at it, so i don't know...
anyway, it's nice to have a little bit of money (emphasis on the little - harcourt pays its readers $9.50 an hour, while ETS and Pearson are more like $12-$15 and they let you work form home - i think i could deal with that) - i even splurged and actually paid money for recorded music - i bought a CD!

i may get the new Bjork album, i'm not sure yet...i really like "earth intruders" but the rest of it that i've heard is still too mellow for my liking...i'm waiting for the new smashing pumpkins and marilyn manson with bated breath...