another sunday in the desert which means another week has gone by, and im one week closer to being home. although, i will say that it doesn't bother me that i'm here. i'm rather safe here on base, and i have a lot of down time. i started taking college classes this past week. i enrolled in two, and they are very long classes, and there are a lot of topics we are covering each session. the classes end in december, so there are a limited number of classes. it keeps me busy, and my mind growing. i like growth.
i wish that these blog's had a subject line. subject lines are rather fun to read and can be quite interesting. i suppose i could just add one at the top of the page. but, i must admit, and i hate to do this, i like how myspace has a special line just for a subject line. i can't believe i compared this site to myspace because SG is beyond myspace. but, i had to say it....
now, i will go before you start to throw digital vegetables at me....
xo, L
i wish that these blog's had a subject line. subject lines are rather fun to read and can be quite interesting. i suppose i could just add one at the top of the page. but, i must admit, and i hate to do this, i like how myspace has a special line just for a subject line. i can't believe i compared this site to myspace because SG is beyond myspace. but, i had to say it....
now, i will go before you start to throw digital vegetables at me....
xo, L
Whos dick do I have to suck to get you to write more? I'm at a loss for things to check on my computer. When nothing is updated, a part of me dies!
i miss you leannie bananie!