So, I'm done with all this drama. It seems to be squared away, I made my apologies for misunderstandings and clarifications where needed, I was polite, I took the blame, I talked directly to the source and sincerely apologised. If it's not fine from here on out, it's got nothing to do with me.

I did, however, overreact about something stupid and had some excessively...
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New Episodes of Degrassi TNG start this Friday on the - N - WOOT!

It's good to be free of drama. It has a tendancy to draw your attention from the life thats going on around you.
do you look at this anymore?!

ok gooood!


I wish I were a robot with no place worrying about such petty people and problems. I've been playing Death Cab on acoustic guitar all evening, someone save me.
robot robot

robuts have feelings too!!! thought mostly they are confined to creaks and grinding and some occasional worries about viscosity and rust..

Things are weird and I don't like it, one bit.
weird can be good sometimes, no? sounds like not this time though. hang in there kiss
to see realicide and ultra vires again.

there are sooo many douchebags down there, its ridiculous.

did you get the job?!

I got accepted to SVA for their summer photography program in association with Look-Look magasine in New York from July 10-29. Only thing is, I don't have the $2740+ it costs to go. SO, unless I get ahold of some money, quick, looks like I'm shit outta luck. SO, I've taken a longshot and made a PayPal donation thing, so if anyone could PLEASE give...
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I'm addicted to the show Kept. And I want new Degrassi. Cause I liked that shit before it was popular and got made fun of for it and now everyone is all about the DTNG. Eff dat ess.
Allright! New pictures again! Because I'm bored and vain.
Some friends and I discovered, yesterday, that the St. Louis zoo does NOT have pandas. I could've sworn we did, but I would've been wrong.

In totally unrelated news, Joey and I have a contest going on; no masturbation for 28 days. I have a feeling I'm going to win. 2 days strong.

Job interview at...
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28 days???? eeek i wish you luck.... smile so what happens if you win? Good luck on the interview..... wink
pics = yum!

good luck w/ the interview and the nyc news!! its soo amazing there smile

what happens on saturday? hope it goes well.

wow! she is.. wow!!! love

who is that!?

Summer hair cut, summer swim suit (displayed by the new picture.) I've been doing a lot of reading outside, drinking lemonade, laying in the sun, and trying to get my life back into shape. Things have been rough, people have been rougher, but I am trying to stay in control, and attempting to get back on track. Hopefully, some beach trips will be taken in...
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girl that new swimsuit looks hawt!
i need to get one, i found one at victorias secret that was amazzzzing, but i aint got no scrilla.


where did you get it?

my first year of college is over. thank fucking god.
way to go...if you pull it off like me, you've only got 5 more years until the baskets full of money start pouring in... wink