I am thinking of getting a vertical hood...I love them...they are so sexy!
I just got my tats...dragonflies...one large one on my pubic bone...then two smaller ones going up my hip bones on either side...they are really cute...and I thought the piercing would really top it off!
So when would you like to take a hiking trip? I'm game!
I am bored out of my mind...time for another song!
Here's one of my favs for your musical enjoyment!
Dead Man's Party by Oingo Boingo
I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go
Walkin' with a dead man over my shoulder
Waiting for an invitation to arrive
Goin' to a party where no one's still alive
I was struck by lighting
Walkin' down the... Read More
HOLY SHIT! We have 40, count em, 40 inches of snow! Took us hours to dig out our cars! Good news is I got two snow days...bad news is I have to make up 20 hours of work in 4 days....dammit!
OK kiddies this about sums up my mood for today1 Enjoy!
TITLE: Existential Blues (By Tom "T-Bone Stankus")
The elusive butterfly has just tiptoed past my door
My buddy likes the Yankees; he says "Hey, T-Bone, what's the score?"
I say, "Well, Reggie got 1 in 1 in 3, and 25 is 6 to 4."
Is a left-wing really pinko? Colonel Sanders, what a bore!... Read More
i know your way out there but if you can make it down here to ABQ let me know but just in case
just to let you know i have not forgotten that you are a pending member of SGNM we are having an event on tuesday at the ATOMIC Cantina we will be there around 930-1000 you should try and make it out if not we are also having an event on sunday..more to come
I need a job that will let me pierce my nose...get my monroe...dye my hair blue...ANYTHING to break up the monotony. Sucks to be a slave to the corporate machine.
Oh and I did promise pics of my piercings...will get those up tonight k?
Hell Yeah Baby! I got my nipples pierced today as a belated birthday present from Wolf9870 ! They are vertical, just little barbells! They look hot! Now to plan my next tattoo! I have an exclamation point obsesson today!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well great day love my new rings...will get y'all a pic soon of those too!
Ouch ouch ouch!!! lol Good for you, ya lucky chick! I want mine pierced too but saggy boobies and barbells just don't look god together. Maybe if I drop some pounds or get a boob job. lol
Ok - just filled in the noob survey...here it is in all it's boring glory:
1. Name/Age/Location? LeaAnn, 30 in 3 days, New Mexico
2. Why did you join? Love the site, finding some kindred spirits in my old age
3. Piercings, tattoos, neither or both? Two tattoos: Amy Brown's "Curiosity" on my left calf and "Winter Solstice" on my right upper arm, piercings ears... Read More
Thanks so much to all for making me feel wlecome! I won't have alot of time to update till Sunday...I am a slave to the corporate machine. I will post again soon!
I just got my tats...dragonflies...one large one on my pubic bone...then two smaller ones going up my hip bones on either side...they are really cute...and I thought the piercing would really top it off!
So when would you like to take a hiking trip? I'm game!