Fishy, fishy, fishy fish...
Where is the fish?
Not the orange ones or the silvery blue one. Look closer.
Hint: her name is "Sandy."
Cool, huh? She's our new addition. I've never had a sting ray before (not even the bike). Having her in the tank makes cleaning day a lot more interesting. I've been assured that she is quite gentle but that is an awfully long stinger she's got.
And she often darts from cover to cover.
It can be disconcerting.
Oh and here's one of my other favorites. Her name is "Patsy."
No, I did not pick these names!
Oh, and I just found the real, true life adventures of Dwight Schrute from the very funny "The Office."
Where is the fish?

Not the orange ones or the silvery blue one. Look closer.
Hint: her name is "Sandy."

Cool, huh? She's our new addition. I've never had a sting ray before (not even the bike). Having her in the tank makes cleaning day a lot more interesting. I've been assured that she is quite gentle but that is an awfully long stinger she's got.
And she often darts from cover to cover.

It can be disconcerting.
Oh and here's one of my other favorites. Her name is "Patsy."

No, I did not pick these names!

Oh, and I just found the real, true life adventures of Dwight Schrute from the very funny "The Office."
Here I appear to have many arms... and where is your head?!??