I will be Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice. What about you?
Waha and our friends finally present our Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt group at our local convention, and we won the craftmanship prize!

I also presente myself in the solo category as Stardust Witch Meruru, a character of a
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Lately, I've was a lot more into cosplay than anytime. I have a lot of project.
I finished my cosplay of Stocking, from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.

And Waha and I are making the rest of the costumes of the show for a cosplay's group.

I made fun of my poors cats...

I hope everyone of you had good times with your beloved ones. I myself spend the winter festivities with my friends. We had some good laughs, discovered new loves and share the traditional presents.
Everything is actually perfect with my boyfriend. I love him so much. <3
I put goggly eyes on things...
As usual, my life is
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Winter is on its way, and I'm so happy. I enjoy drinking tea while looking to the falling snow from my window.
Strangely, even if it's my less favorite festive moment, I'm all x-mas moody, making decorations and searching gifts for my beloved ones.
And, if it goes well, I'll shoot a new set for here in those future weeks.

Instagram @Laylielaylie
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Well, it's been quite a while since I haven't post any news here... But the truth is that I don't have any interesting things in my life actually.
I feel kinda depressed. Feel bored at school, about my work, of distance, of never having money... I want to flip tables in a destructive berseker way.
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Photo de toi en chat

I don't feel really confident with camera, but I hope you'll like it anyway! Beauty wasn't mean to be here, but she stay all long during the video. Cute creature. <3
my video "sunday"
I was a casual person during one night.

Found some old picture of me and my dad.

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I got a new piece inked by Dwam.

We adopted a new cat: a cute little naked creature called Beauty.

Camomille & Bergamote
My toy and
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My friends and I have been participating in the Strasbourg's Zombie Walk which mark the opening of the European Fantastic Film Festivall since the first one in 2009.
As someone who loves making costumes and is a fan of horror culture, it's a great opportunity to have fun with my friends! We make costume...
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Check out her work at La Dame de Lys!
Some backstage...
And some of the final pics!

I finally receive my iPhone case from RedBubble, from my own design.

I had the BEST GIFT EVER from my boyfriend...
Yes, it's a Tattoo Biomechanoid ring by H.R. Giger!
My friends makes
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