Msn, I'm just so fuckin tired. I definitely need a nap. Nothing to report, althugh it would appear that no one has even stopped by my profile, so it doesn't really matter. I thought for sure the More Cowbell picture would be good for something.

Although it is Wednesday, I don't think I am going to let the fact I have work tomorrow stop me...
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Well here's what happened..

A couple years ago I had a cell phone with Nextel. He was my friend at the time and couldn't get a phone on his own, so I got another phone put on my account and let him use it with the promise that he'd pay me every month. He did pay for a while. Eventually I took my own phone off the plan because I didn't want it anymore, and left his phone on, and so I had the bill sent to his house because we agreed that would be easier and he wasn't going to keep the phone much longer.

So, the guy doesn't pay his bill from then on out. And doesn't tell me it's not getting paid. So I get a call a few months later from a collection agency saying my bill is 3 months late, etc etc. And so I paid the $250 because I didn't want my credit fucked up any more than it was. So he owes me for that. And he then cancelled his phone on that plan before the contract was up, resulting in an early termination fee of $216 which I just found out about the other day. I paid that, which I JUST found out has caused my account to overdraw three times. And this guy now says he won't pay me for the overdraft fees because it's not his fault.

So that's basically it... I may have IMs from him, I do have text messages.

Any advice is very, very appreciated.
Pulling an all nighter at work...again. Thought I'd waste some time and make me a pretty profile.