[James, the tech guy at work, to Lassie, when she brings her computer to him for the fourth time to have it repaired for real for a change]
"Look at you traipsing in here with your big vocabulary and your Versace eyewear. Oh, please have mercy on me with my Dr. Suess vocabulary, for you are immaculate in my presence and surely thou must know it."
[No. I did not make this shit up.]
"Look at you traipsing in here with your big vocabulary and your Versace eyewear. Oh, please have mercy on me with my Dr. Suess vocabulary, for you are immaculate in my presence and surely thou must know it."
[No. I did not make this shit up.]
i'm hoping to make a comeback eventually..
but for now, i got to prepare for an upcoming move, so lots of packing, cleaning and scrubbing to do!
I have to switch apartments with my landlord by May (he's got another kid on the way, and they need our attic space)
so i got to take an internet vacation!
sorry to hear that your work is eating you alive....
i know how that can be sometimes.
i hope you are okay and i think of you often..
you can always drop me an email from time to time also, and i have yours as well.
I'll probably stay on SG for another week or so before heading off for a bit.
thank you for all your kind words..
your journals on here have been an amazing treat to read in the months that i've known you, you are an incredibly gifted writer, and i hope we can stay i touch.
hopefully, i'll talk to you soon
i dont really remember my dreams most of the time,
but in my twenties, i had one of those astral projection things happen to me in my sleep (i was coming down from some drug or another)
it was probably one of the most amazing experiences i ever had in my dreams!
i think i should have been a stay home wife myself, as fulltime work never treated me very well...
but i didnt marry into money, so therefore its kind of necessary that i hold down a job
but yeah,
i would prefer to make a living getting drunk and watching movies all the time, so if you know anyone who's hiring for that job, let me know