i had a blast hanging out with Morgan and David....even just sitting at the same table at BAM reading comic books and not talking. i like stuff like that. nobody requiring anything of you. just hanging out. and the people at BAM liked my McGuyver shirt i made
what i thought about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. don't click if you haven't seen it. i have given due warning.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)don't get me wrong. i did like the movie. i should be allowed to find stuff wrong with it and still like it. i was just dissapointed. okay...maybe i found a lot wrong with it, but i still did enjoy it. i just wish that somebody else had directed it than Mike Newell (who also directed the snoozy Mona Lisa Smile). Anybody know why we got a totally new director this time? Christopher Columbus didn't even produce GOF. (Right now we have a totally different director for Order of the Phoenix, David Yates, who has done mostly sexually explicit movies)
my grumps and complaints:
What was with all of the creepy sexual inuendos? i had no desire to see naked 14 year old chest, yet the directer went out of his way for us to get to see Harry Potter's chest. That whole scene with Moaning Myrtle in the tub was just awkward and uncomfortable. The scene where Rita too Harry in the broom closet was just equally as creepy and screamed of pedophilia. all of that undermined the whole damn movie.
I didn't like the portrayal of Dumbledore. He is always careful to appear like a fool and not let on his emotions. That is what makes him so dangerous. Yet in this movie there were two scenes where he seemed intense and bothered and tired and it just seemed so out of character.
I was dissapointed in seeing no quidditch at the world cup. it wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't built the anticipation up to the point that I had goosebumps and then BAM! we're to after the game. For that matter, the whole beginning of the movie, all the way to the announcement of the tournament, felt rushed and was overwhelming. i do understand they were trying to fit a whole bunch of stuff in to a short amount of time and it is forgivable.
In one of the previews, they showed the muggles floating above the death eaters, but they cut that out of the movie. I wonder why. No matter really, i just hope they include it on the dvd.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but Barty Crouch Jr was sniffling and crying and pleading at his trial in the book. i know they reworked the scene but the way he was so confident and maniacal to his father at that trial, was completely out of character. part of the book was not knowing for a fact that barty was guilty until he was revealed later.
I liked that they went out of the way to include the weasley twins selling their wares. It set up foreshadowing for future plots.
I really liked the way they did the maze even though Krum's eyes wouldn't have been different looking from the Imperious Curse. That wouldn't have been a big deal except that they included Mad Eye Moody in the DATDA class saying that you there was no way to tell if people helping Voldemort were telling the truth about being under the Imperious Curse. I guess it is okay though b/c they never actually told us that Krum was under the Imperious Curse....Harry just said he was bewitched.
I also really liked the sweatsuits that the triwizard champions got. i thought that was a cute touch.
I miss the soft box lighting that we got so much of in POA that was part of what made it so dark.
the soundtrack was BRILLIANT!! there aren't words to describe it.
I guess that's all for my complaints. They covered up changing how Harry got the gillyweed well and they had Hermione show a lot more emotion over Krum than she did in the book which i also liked. Ron was as fantastic as usual. I can't wait to see it again, despite all of my complaints. like i said. i did enjoy it much and if you aren't an avid reader of the books like i am, you would never see these things wrong with it.
things always get so complicated. why can't life and feelings be simple? why are we determined to love people that our head warns us is a mistake? it is like i am rebelling against my head just as much as i rebelled against my mother.
i HATE people that put music on their stupid webpages that automatically starts. there is nothing quite like having your volume up loud and staring at the screen when some chessy midi comes blaring at you. jesus!
wednesday is my birthday. here is a link to my amazon wishlist so everyone can buy me presents. lol. j/k....sort of.