Yesterday, Sydney was aflame. When you are from the British isles destruction by flame is the least of your worries.

The sky was beautiful, the streets empty. It really felt like the end of days.

Celsius wise it was 35 degrees with headwinds of 100km (I don't do Fahrenheit but multiply by a rough 3). I was blissfully unaware of all these factors until about...
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So I got to Sydney in June after a gap of two years in which my life changed irrevocably. When I got here I was on a holiday visa which isn't really fun when you are skint and waiting for a full visa to come through.

Thankfully come August I got my permenant resident visa but that's when the comedy started. I had 5 days...
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It looks amazing. You look a little tall to fit through the door though. ;)
Much crouching. Unsurprisingly when I walked inside a hobbit hole I banged my head pretty bad. I'm tall and awkward. I did manage to talk my way into a photo behind the green dragon bar and a free drink though. It is exactly as you would expect, true ly amazing!

Good to be back in here for a while. Would love to get a chance to get my thoughts down on (electronic) paper but the world is flying by right now.

Looked at my last post, seems like a lifetime ago. I'm now a Permanent resident of Australia. I stay in Sydney (she seems happy about that arrangement :>) although I still consider myself a...
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ARRR!!!Just gouching on my couch. The internet is becoming ever more elussive to me in passing months. Starting to rely less and less on it as my online time is rare. A month ago I bought a static caravan am dmoved into it. Thought would be no problem getting broadband. The cost was ridiculous. Especially when it wasnt even a quarter of the cost 2...
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ARRR!!!Ive just finished a monumental and gruelling 19 out of 21 days at work. Most of which were 12 hour shifts. Needed the overtime but never again. Who needs drugs when yuou have that shit... then again!

My Traveling has been put on the shelf until February/March. First the Australian visa denied and then decided need a bit more money before we head off on...
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ARRR!!!All this riot and uproar, V is this anarchy? Is this the land of Do-as-you-please?
-No, this is only the land of Take-what-you-want. Anarchy means without leaders; not without order. With anarchy comes an age of ordung, of true order, which is to say voluntary order. This age of ordung will begin when the mad and incoherent cycle of verwirrung that these bulletins reveal has...
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sigh... some times I wish fiction weren't so prescient.
as long as Alan Moore's particular vision of britain doesn't quite come to fruition, then that's a start, I suppose...

I feel like I'm in the shining

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.All work and no play makes jack a dull...
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ARRR!!!So a tiring week, emotionally spent.

I am looking forward to the future, but its pretty difficult not knowing where I will be or what outcomes will happen. Worse things happen at sea, I just wish I could set sail.

Seriously though people face face worse dilemas than this and I just need to stay positive, Im just sick of not having any real stability...
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I hope things pick up,one thing I always think no matter how low I am, the memories of adventures I've had and will have! Stay positive!
hahaha well scotland is pretty damn awesome smile

Things will pick up tho sir, they always do and tings always find a way of working out
ARRR!!!So that's it then...

I'm of to live i the Republic of Ireland for a year, at least thats the plan.....