it got messy, it got mashed. Two girls gave me there phone numbers without me asking (I returned them to them but the intention was a ego stroke) we crashed an art function and quaffed good champagne - the three boys I was with were ejected while I was seen as a patron?!? Must be the mo! And I had to carry my friend home...
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Saw a photo of a girls profile pic on FB. She had commented on a friends from uk's post and was in Sydney.
There was a hill in background and she was on a child's rope slide. Messaged my friend as looked like park down from us (although in fairness could have been anywhere) After my friend told me where she lived I messaged the...
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Saw a photo of a girls profile pic on FB. She had commented on a friends from uk's post and was in Sydney.
There was a hill in background and she was on a child's rope slide. Messaged my friend as looked like park down from us (although in fairness could have been anywhere) After my friend told me where she lived I messaged the...
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Waiting in the queue for a restaurant tonight and some ransoms came over going on about how awesome my moustache was. Pretty funny but embarrassing at the same time.
Had an awesome day. Started on a comic book coffee table this afternoon and so far it's looking pretty good. Just waiting for the paint to dry. Scored some pretty awesome vinyl this morning for 75c...
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8 hour office job, then 3 hours pulling staples out a wooden floor. Time for a mirror selfie and then a beer and a pipe smoke :) then I'll wake up for work and repeat.... All work and no play makes laphroaig a dull boy!
The sun is back out in Sydney and all is good for now. I guess I'm just tired if stopping and starting with life and having to start again.
I've been at my new job for two months and really like it. People are decent and so far no office bitchiness. Last week they shut the office for an hour for the Melbourne Cup and...
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It's four in the morning. It's cold and I'm awake. It's funny, a week ago I'm wearing shorts in 37 (101) degrees and now it's gone to 1/3 of that temperature. Sure, it's a freak weather spell but it's made me blue.
I woke up to torrential rain all night yesterday until 6am when I finally had to get up for work. It made me...
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did the Sydney zombie walk today. I've now done walks in three continents which is pretty rad. Was a daddy-o day today so pushing a pram was a challenge well accepted with a horde of undead.
Now I'm just at home sipping a well deserved beer
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What a real difference a week makes. Bought a new hard drive and although I've got nothing to put on it that's a start. I'll find out if I can recover my stuff soon.
There is this crazy thing in Australia that happens with 'hard rubbish' people through out fantastic things. Got keys for the house next door so went on the hunt for some
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Waiting. So bored of waiting.
I guess I have been pretty resilient and resourceful in the last few months but shit is getting to me now.
Anyone who has done it knows that moving half way across the world for good is difficult. I've managed to get a job, finally get my visa and it looks like we might have somewhere to stay. It's the...
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