Well, as some of you know from reading my journals, I've been having a tough time the past few weeks. My friends have been supportive, but I've been keeping most of my crap to myself (due to my bitter, untrustworthy nature). While I don't really like to whine and attract attention (usually exactly the opposite), maybe talking a little about what's going on will have...
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The division is starting to feel permanent
As the rise and final fall of the government
Bitterness as sustenance
We carry on so we reach for the familiar disguise
Our failure speak of conditions for the division
So let's climb back to the beginning
Suggestive glance and smoke and laughter
At the meeting
Our minds content with limited exchange of information
As the rise and final fall of the government
Bitterness as sustenance
We carry on so we reach for the familiar disguise
Our failure speak of conditions for the division
So let's climb back to the beginning
Suggestive glance and smoke and laughter
At the meeting
Our minds content with limited exchange of information
yes, much drama...

Thanks. How are things with you? Getting better I hope. I wanted to hit that Project 44 show but I had a buddy fly intown for my bday and was not able to make it. I heard it was a great show!
you taught me to lie
i taught you to fake it
you asked me to take it with no explanation
red red wine makes a stain on your shirt
and i pretend there's no stain at all
you ask me to dance
i turn you down you
tell me rejection is good for one's heart
and soul you wanted me to go
i got you...
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i taught you to fake it
you asked me to take it with no explanation
red red wine makes a stain on your shirt
and i pretend there's no stain at all
you ask me to dance
i turn you down you
tell me rejection is good for one's heart
and soul you wanted me to go
i got you...
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whats the word on the game tomorrow, playa?
ive got alot to do with moving and freelance do im cool either way.
Toooooooo busy lately. Between work and social activities something has to give. For now it's been sleep.
I've been enjoying the summer a lot, but have been overplanning like crazy. I've never given away so many concert tix etc. because I am double booked as the last few months. Kinda bummed I'll be missing the MLS All-Stars play Chelsea (the World Cup got me really...
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I've been enjoying the summer a lot, but have been overplanning like crazy. I've never given away so many concert tix etc. because I am double booked as the last few months. Kinda bummed I'll be missing the MLS All-Stars play Chelsea (the World Cup got me really...
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great show last night, and even better times afterward with you lot. i enjoyed hanging out.
that sounds like a good plan to me.

Well, it's been a lovely week so far...
Between being flayed by family members for missing my Dad's birthday party (to which I wasn't really invited to anyway) and "trying" to break it off with a marginally imbalanced female who doesn't seem to understand anything I say, no matter how plainly I say it (in true Jane from Coupling style), my nerves are fried.
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Between being flayed by family members for missing my Dad's birthday party (to which I wasn't really invited to anyway) and "trying" to break it off with a marginally imbalanced female who doesn't seem to understand anything I say, no matter how plainly I say it (in true Jane from Coupling style), my nerves are fried.
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If you were a REAL Marvel Zombie, you'd know it was Spider-Man and not Spiderman.
I'm game for the movie too.
I don't worship at the temple of #2 the way other fans do, but overall Sam Raimi & Co. have done right by the franchise.
See you Saturday!

I'm game for the movie too.
I don't worship at the temple of #2 the way other fans do, but overall Sam Raimi & Co. have done right by the franchise.

See you Saturday!
Thanks for having me over, sorry I was hung-over, again... I'll need to work on that next time. =)
Soooooo tired! Help!
Thanks so much for inviting us to your party! Good times!
Dont know if you saw this man, but you should if you havent:
As you may have noticed, the WITH_TEETH_2005-2006 tour finally ended on Saturday night (seriously this time). Before we look ahead to the upcoming six years of nothing, I thought I would take a moment to reflect upon these past 15 months of thrills, spills, and Jeordie White. Enjoy.
As you may have noticed, the WITH_TEETH_2005-2006 tour finally ended on Saturday night (seriously this time). Before we look ahead to the upcoming six years of nothing, I thought I would take a moment to reflect upon these past 15 months of thrills, spills, and Jeordie White. Enjoy.
A short time ago, a friend of mine asked me what I believe to be the most intimate question that can be asked of a person. Despite the fact that I had an answer (and she had NO answer to the same question
), I feel my expression was woefully incomplete, and hence I'll endeavor to answer more completely now. The question being simply "What...
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Ok, enough negativity on the new site. It speaks for itself.
Awesome weekend in Chicago, despite the unseasonably cool temperatures. The Blues Fest was in town and I got the chance to catch some great music on Thursday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. The highlight, as it usually is, is the Jazz Record Mart Blues Brunch on Sunday morning. It's free, the atmosphere is...
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Awesome weekend in Chicago, despite the unseasonably cool temperatures. The Blues Fest was in town and I got the chance to catch some great music on Thursday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. The highlight, as it usually is, is the Jazz Record Mart Blues Brunch on Sunday morning. It's free, the atmosphere is...
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sonofabitch! i reeeeeeeeeallly wanna see Android Lust yo! but i also dont want to miss out on lindas party either cuz you know thats gonna be the shizzlenit too! ugh... why they gotta go n do that? at the same time, what kind of morons would cancel AL show in favor of something else? What, is Bjork coming instead?

Whatcha think, homie?

This new format for the site really sucks ass...
End Transmission
End Transmission
This new format for the site really sucks ass...
End Transmission
this blows.
this does suck ass
also, thatll teach us to leave a half inning too soon!!!
also, thatll teach us to leave a half inning too soon!!!

On the same tach as my last journal entry...
People change, but how much? As a child I'd believed there was an essential person, a sort of core personality around which the surface factors could evolve and change without damaging the integrity of who you were. Later, I started to see that this was an error of perception cause by the metaphors we were used...
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People change, but how much? As a child I'd believed there was an essential person, a sort of core personality around which the surface factors could evolve and change without damaging the integrity of who you were. Later, I started to see that this was an error of perception cause by the metaphors we were used...
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Thanks, dude!
Have a fantastical weekend!
Have a fantastical weekend!

dye is a fucking PIMP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you mean it? Would you marry me?
Because i want to.
Not because you love me or anything like that, huh?
I respect and admire you.
Isn't that love?
No. That's respect and admiration. I think that's better than love.
When people are in love, they do all sorts of crazy things. They get jealous, they lie, they cheat, they kill...
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Because i want to.
Not because you love me or anything like that, huh?
I respect and admire you.
Isn't that love?
No. That's respect and admiration. I think that's better than love.
When people are in love, they do all sorts of crazy things. They get jealous, they lie, they cheat, they kill...
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lol, I use to have an 8088 and a tandy back when I was very little.
Hey... really it was very nice to see a group of you brothers and sisters from SGC at the concert... I am glad you came by.... I am going to be planning a Revolution Event on July 26 2006, its a Wednesday --- But I will be having a BBQ - in the back and feed my friends... So watch for the notice... The best to you... Un abrazo.......

Well, despite another stress-filled week both professionally and personally, nothing makes me feel more euphoric than the combination of getting off work early & springtime. To the lakeshore I go!

I had to take yesterday off for an adult lunch @ tavern followed by the beach
Heh, heh-- the Indomitable Lions have been a favorite since I learned their name. As an added nerd touch, I once named a giant lion in a D&D game "Indomitable."
Unfortunately, I'll have to pull against Ghana.
Luckily, I have an extra reason to pull against Italy.
Unfortunately, I'll have to pull against Ghana.
Luckily, I have an extra reason to pull against Italy.

the weekend is almost here and we will party hardy saturday night.
Don't place faith in human beings
human beings are unreliable things
don't place faith in human beings
human beings are butterfly's wings
- Machines of Loving Grace