the last couple of weeks have been some of the strangest of my life. for once in a long time, i have felt ALIVE!!! for better or for worse. our great palatial estate in the south was spared the deluge. a little flooding, and a broken window, but everyone is safe. i feel terrible for those who died in other parts nearby.
it's been a struggle for everyone. now my profile photo has a little significance.
in other news, went to ikea recently. a life changing experience. i would hesitate to call it shangri-la, but elysium, sounds right.
i just got back into contact with an ex-girlfriend of mine, and we went out. considering that our break-up (many years ago now) was very intense (completely my fault) it was nice to see her. too nice. waaaaay too nice. she has'nt changed much at all, and is still the brilliant dreamer she had always been. she's alive and REAL. the realist person i know. and so beautiful! uggggghhhhh! i feel like a fool. we are hanging out later this week. so strange...feeling almost human, rather than the consumption and waste machine i've likened myself to in recent times. is this it? the downward spiral toward heartbreak? nick cave said that the best love songs include the end of love in them. huh.
happy monday, all!!!

in other news, went to ikea recently. a life changing experience. i would hesitate to call it shangri-la, but elysium, sounds right.
i just got back into contact with an ex-girlfriend of mine, and we went out. considering that our break-up (many years ago now) was very intense (completely my fault) it was nice to see her. too nice. waaaaay too nice. she has'nt changed much at all, and is still the brilliant dreamer she had always been. she's alive and REAL. the realist person i know. and so beautiful! uggggghhhhh! i feel like a fool. we are hanging out later this week. so strange...feeling almost human, rather than the consumption and waste machine i've likened myself to in recent times. is this it? the downward spiral toward heartbreak? nick cave said that the best love songs include the end of love in them. huh.

happy monday, all!!!

good to know you're safe and sound.

No, no!! No "downward spiral"! (If down the rat-hole you are falling, best to get them fingers clawing!) Or, perhaps something really good shall come of this reunion? Enjoy (do not over-analyze!) and let yourself feel "human."