The ever-ingenious Lord_Frous came up with the superb idea of me and the lovely Salome doing a multiple set, and so she and I are going to put our big ol' brains together and come up with something spectacular and mindblowing! Plus, we'll have a hot-damn good time in the process!
I will be shooting my solo set with the gorgeous Miss Ash as photographer... after my move and after my new tatoos have healed. I'm going for my first session in a few weeks. They will be Fire Horses, my Chinese astrology sign and element. They will be positioned like so:
Sillytattoonuts is my tattoo artist - he is amazing! Go check out his journal for pix of his work. AWESOME! He emailed me a sketch after he and I went back & forth on what I wanted and he came up with something absolutely fabulouso! I couldn't have hoped for anything better - he totally got what I was going for - he is SUPER TALENTED! Check it out:
Apparently a bit of a campaign has started to get me to "go pink," as they say, which is really sweet. L3-2-B-n-SG

I will be shooting my solo set with the gorgeous Miss Ash as photographer... after my move and after my new tatoos have healed. I'm going for my first session in a few weeks. They will be Fire Horses, my Chinese astrology sign and element. They will be positioned like so:

Sillytattoonuts is my tattoo artist - he is amazing! Go check out his journal for pix of his work. AWESOME! He emailed me a sketch after he and I went back & forth on what I wanted and he came up with something absolutely fabulouso! I couldn't have hoped for anything better - he totally got what I was going for - he is SUPER TALENTED! Check it out:

Apparently a bit of a campaign has started to get me to "go pink," as they say, which is really sweet. L3-2-B-n-SG

Prince-holio's Journal
[Edited on Jan 13, 2006 2:40AM]
the dice are nice...
but your behind is BETTER.... an attempt to mind my manners...I'll give you a heads up...
I'll be clicking on that "add as a friend" button...
no obligation of course...