You ever have those days when it doesn't seem to really matter what you do? I've been having a lot of those lately. Most of everything I've been doing is an exercise in futility.

Try to handle my education, but my father thinks I've somehow become bereft of the ability because of my older sister. It doesn't help that the school is still pending my...
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I hate blogging, but I felt that I should leave one last piece since the last post was from before I went inactive. I don't like blogging. Don't expect me to blog.
Today was a good day. Started off easy, progressed easy, even work wasn't too bad.

Checked all my grades for the fall semester and they did pretty well, only one B; the rest were A's. I won't be able to afford next semester, but I must remember to announce my graduation, and hopefully be able to afford the graduation fee. Its only an associate's degree...
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Happy birthday, fellow 27th-er.
Happy Birthday! smile
Sometimes life seems like complete shit. Its hard to keep my optimism when my time is constantly spent doing things that I am uninterested in doing. Then when I get my first real break in awhile on Thanksgiving weekend I end up restless as shit, unable to operate without work and school.

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I've either had nothing to...
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I made some fermented pomegranate juice when I was a boyscout. I didn't get a merit badge for it, but damn. That shit had some kick.
The profile picture is maybe a year or two old, since its been sitting in my camera for awhile. I finally got off my arse and used my sister's computer to find a decent one. There would be a more recent one but right now I look MUCH worse than that, few cuts and a few pimples on my face. Normally clear up pretty quick...
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I've not been under much pressure to update my journal since only one or two people actually read any entries at all. Well, maybe not read, but give feedback on. Anyhow my schedule has been amended, my philosophy class got cancelled and I put in a history of england class instead. I am after all a history buff. And its not because I have some...
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Well, I posted a poster picture up for Lucy last night, and today I started the day off right by getting my ass off and enrolling for the classes that start next week. I fear I'm about to feel the crunch of being in a perpetual state of being tired. I signed up for 13 credit hours, and thats compounding with my job. So far...
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It's not that I think I'm not worhty, it's just that there are so many other sets that are just killer out there.
Ah, irony, the most sincere form of humour, and yet one of the most tragic things that one can experience. I had an ironic experience today, that brought back some memories from times past. Back when I used to play diablo, a long time ago tongue. Those memories aren't so important right now, the irony is in the choice of logic that was directed at...
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This has been a fantastically shitty week. Since last friday I have had problems with my camera, and then on monday I find out they want to push my work shift an hour. To add insult to injury today I find out they want me to work two saturdays a month mandatory, on top of my monday-friday shifts blackeyed. Now, this wouldn't be so bad...
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I need to get a new camera cable. My camera isn't detecting that it is connected to my computer anymore. I think it is most likely my fault for letting that cable stay exposed and get bent out of the way etc. At least I didn't lose that part, grumbles, I couldn't find my battery charger, even after I spent quite some time looking for...
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Don't worry, I'm causing enough trouble and having enough fun for three people.
Two comments, both by suicide girls. Both threats, though ones halfway serious where the other one appears in jest. Ah well. I wonder if anyone has actually read my entries, suppose it doesn't matter much. I'll probably post a profile picture on the weekend, face HAS cleared up a little bit but I need to charge up my camera[forgot mostly about it] and I don't...
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Well, two comments from SG's is a good thing.

And if the "Dating Tips" junk e-mail I get daily is anything to go by, those comments read like flirting, or at least the germs of flirting. Go for it.

You prob'ly already figured this out, but when an SG doesn't like you, they don't tell you, they just inform the staff they want you gone and you're immediately zotted.

And hey, if you want a friend, feel free to add me.
hey man,

Thanks for the add.

I've got a small favor to ask ya.

I don't know how much of a "joiner" you are, but the Taurus group is in desperate need of new members. Personally, I'm not too into astrology, my horoscopes are always (always) wrong. But I'm sympathetic to small struggling groups and the owner seems like a sweet kid. So if ya join, at the very least - she'd be happy (being a group owner can be tough).


[Edited on Aug 06, 2005 6:05PM]