It's 2:40am and I can't sleep. AH! I've never suffered from insomnia before, I don't know why it's been happening lately. Maybe it's stress??? I have a lot on my mind, tonight more than ever.

sigh. I think I've given up on dreaming, Maybe I should become a realist like Ms.Temper. She's one smart chick.Mhm!

ok that's it.

goodnight skull
thanks love! i definitely think we should be friends too! kiss

i can never, ever, ever fall asleep anymore. ever. it sucks, especially when i have work and school to deal with after going to bed at 5 AM and waking up at 8 or 9. yuck.

Alright! Here's the deal. I'll giove moiney to whomever becomes my friend on here. Or sexual favors instead of the money.Whatever is preferred. So be my friend god dammit!!!!!


hehe smile
Ah Blah. Hm yes. I'm bored. Sometimes it feels like there are too many hours in the day. I could probably be doing something very productive right now, but I'm not. I thought getting a job would make me feel better. It just makes me feel tired. Being a cashier isn't too glamorous. I know, shocker. I need hotter customers. That would make the day...
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Blah. I miss my boyfriend. I miss a lot of people. I miss a lot of things. Yea, there's a whole part of me missing. It's been missing for a while. It's been a year now since I moved to Florida from Chicago. A fucking year. You'd think I'd adjust and be ok now. But I'm really not. I just feel so alone here, most...
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So todays the 2nd, yes. Hm. In exactly one week I'll be in Chicago. Back home...but only momentarily of course. 16 days in sweet chi-town. I can't wait to see all my loves again, and basically, I am anxious to start living again. Ever since the move here to Florida, I've been just wasting away man. Heh. Yes. But anywho, I have a trip to...
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I find anticipation a pleasure in itself. smile I hope your trip went well. robot
I am booooooooored. I finally got a job!!! At a gorcery store as a cashier, eh not too exciting. But ima be makin' money!!!!! so yes, pretty epic. I need to make some friends on here....mhm!
Valrico is sweet.
And so...I'm bored out of my mind. I decided to set up this little profile. Which is probably pointless, but eh, whatever makes time go by faster.

AH! I think I'm the only loser in the world who does NOTHING during sprng break. I should do something! AH! At least some fucking hw, but no I don't!!! I do nothing!!!!! AAAAAAAAH!

Will this ever end?...
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Come on. Update. What's going on?