Now I could be bitter and full of rage because these bitches took baseball bats to me and laid me up in the hospital. I could let my psychotic,sadistic,animal side loose and go out for their precious blood. I could do a lot of things but I'm not. Cause I owe them a big thank you. They made me realize I'm just not as invinciable as I thought I was. If I can be attacked in such a barberic manner then I'm neither invinciable or as strong as I thought I was.Which means I'm vulnerable and there's only one thing to do and that's to train even harder at becoming invinciable and as strong as I possiablly can. I will not be barbericly attacked again. I should of seen this coming. With all her threats recently but I laughed them off. I think I shall laugh this off too. What's more important to me right now is the break down of her whole mind. Takeing her blood from her body is to easy. I want to destroy her psychologicly. What better way to get under her skin by laughing at her weak pathetic attack,She didn't finish me off and so now the true hunter shall hunt the prey and we all know a smart hunter always out thinks and out wits it's prey in the end.
Good Hunting.