It's me,It's me That bitch from Da Dirty South!!! Back once again to drop bombs like american war planes.
Now check this shit out there's this bitch right,Samantha,try to bring me down trying to crush me. She beat my ass,I laughed about it. She trashed my yard and I screamed about it. She slashed my tires,I joked about it She spray painted stupid whore and...
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Now check this shit out there's this bitch right,Samantha,try to bring me down trying to crush me. She beat my ass,I laughed about it. She trashed my yard and I screamed about it. She slashed my tires,I joked about it She spray painted stupid whore and...
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It's me,It's me That bitch from Da Dirty South!!! Back once again to drop bombs like american war planes.
Now check this shit out there's this bitch right,Samantha,try to bring me down trying to crush me. She beat my ass,I laughed about it. She trashed my yard and I screamed about it. She slashed my tires,I joked about it She spray painted stupid whore and...
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Now check this shit out there's this bitch right,Samantha,try to bring me down trying to crush me. She beat my ass,I laughed about it. She trashed my yard and I screamed about it. She slashed my tires,I joked about it She spray painted stupid whore and...
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It's me,It's me That bitch from Da Dirty South!!! Back once again to drop bombs like american war planes.
Now check this shit out there's this bitch right,Samantha,try to bring me down trying to crush me. She beat my ass,I laughed about it. She trashed my yard and I screamed about it. She slashed my tires,I joked about it She spray painted stupid whore and...
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Now check this shit out there's this bitch right,Samantha,try to bring me down trying to crush me. She beat my ass,I laughed about it. She trashed my yard and I screamed about it. She slashed my tires,I joked about it She spray painted stupid whore and...
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*SIGH* I wish mysterious things would stop happening to me. Like all 4 of my tires amazingly all going flat at the same time,While I'm inside my cozy little room with my headohones on and throwing out hits for the people. Must be some fucking evil elfs around here or some shit like that. Woke up this morning and had red toilet paper all over...
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What is her problem? First the asault, now t.p. and slashing tires. Karma will get her.
I knew Jenna would bother some. So that is why I said Tera Patrick too. Asian, brunete, natural.
[Edited on Aug 07, 2003]
I knew Jenna would bother some. So that is why I said Tera Patrick too. Asian, brunete, natural.
[Edited on Aug 07, 2003]
wow red toilet paper!!!! I want some!
Now I could be bitter and full of rage because these bitches took baseball bats to me and laid me up in the hospital. I could let my psychotic,sadistic,animal side loose and go out for their precious blood. I could do a lot of things but I'm not. Cause I owe them a big thank you. They made me realize I'm just not as invinciable...
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Wow, i just kinda sg member surfed your name up, read your entry, and saw your pics...... i have to admit, you sound awsome, i mean seriously, i was kiumped by 3 guys one time and they wrecked me hard, but i got up afterward, looked at em, and said, ok, you dont yet, cause i got more in me if you want some, they looked a litlle confused, alittle scared, but they left, i now have been keeping tabs on them for awhile and am waiting patiently when i can get the three of them together again,.... vengance will be mine... on a side not, that puppy id adorable, holy crap!! is it like only 4 inches big, it looks like a beanie baby.... puppy..... thingie.....
Note: don't right stuff down. This is what cops call "evidence".
Good Hunting.
Good Hunting.
So yeah I've been laid up in the hospital the last few days. Because some bitch and her friends decided to take a couple of baseball bats to my back. It's a long story I'm not going into right now. All you really need to know is that we have issues with each other have since childhood. Yeah they busted me up,couple of cracked ribs...
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Revenge is a dish best served COLD!!! Bide your time and wait for just the right time.....All things to those that wait. Or you could just fly me in and unleash me. I like th sound of that one. 

I taked to my boss today about quitting my job. When she asked me why I had to tell her I couldn't keep being nice to these people who keep calling requesting shit we don't play. Then I told her I just wanted to call them dumb asses and morons and shit.. She told me to go ahead. She has this philosphy that if their...
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damn ~ fuck~shit ~I want you're job!!!!!!!!
Dude! That is fucking great! Your boss is cool!!

First and formost a big heart felt thank you goes out to Machine_gun_run. For being such a sweet heart and getting the magazine I've been looking for for the past several days. Now on to other things.
Well once again work sucked ass as usual. I don't know if I'm going to be working at the radio station much longer. I'm loseing all patience with...
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Well once again work sucked ass as usual. I don't know if I'm going to be working at the radio station much longer. I'm loseing all patience with...
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Naw man. Stay at the station. Radio might really catch on.
Ask them what station they meant to call. They may have gotten there head up there ass and called the wrong place.
Ask them what station they meant to call. They may have gotten there head up there ass and called the wrong place.
Me and you we should form a tag team!
Someone please help me out. I'm on a search for the june/july issue of Blender magazine. The one with jewel on the cover. It's very important to me that I get a hold of this issue. So if you or you know some one with it let me know. I'll pay you good money if you have it or you can get it and mail...
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i got that farking shnit...just gimme ur info and how much u gonna send me and I will have it tright too you...PaCE!!!
ok i'll check the bookstore tommorow. but dont forget there is that ebay thing
Ok I did this once and it didn't go through so I'll do it again and give you the short version.
So today after work I'm leaveing and this bitch just turns off and I plowed into her back in. So my tricked out Camero's front end is in pieces and I'm going to have to fork out another rediculous amount of money to trick...
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So today after work I'm leaveing and this bitch just turns off and I plowed into her back in. So my tricked out Camero's front end is in pieces and I'm going to have to fork out another rediculous amount of money to trick...
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Sorry to hear about the bitchin Camaro.
Chinese huh? Now wonder I like you.
Chinese huh? Now wonder I like you.
The accident sucks, and yes, the ones with paper between them, I too read the ones with comic befoore the name, and graphic ones too...
Did you have fun shaving?
Did you have fun shaving?
DAMN Stupidity should be a felony. All day today I had people calling in requesting shit from Britney Spears to fucking Nelly. ok People I work at a Hard Rock Station. We don't have that shit on our playlist.
Keeping with musical news I have officially launched my Record label and as of today have one band signed. I call it LadyDeath Records. Woo hoo...
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Keeping with musical news I have officially launched my Record label and as of today have one band signed. I call it LadyDeath Records. Woo hoo...
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now that you have gone corporate, arent you afraid that you are going to get sued for copyright infringement?
I have returned from Vegas. I'm a whole 10 dollars richer then I was when I left. The sad part is I didn't even win the 10 bucks I found it. I did win a few times here and there and then I lost it back here and there. Still it was a blast. Seen a few shows too. I really needed this trip it...
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We're definitely back together girl. Yeah.....
Glad you had a good time and are refreshed. I'm not quite ready for winter, but cooler temps and some rain would be nice.
Come to Florida. I'll take care of you.