A Letter to Dad
Date: 2/1/2003 5:47:02 AM
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia): A
French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he thought we
(Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to provoke a war in
He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn't be able to...
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Date: 2/1/2003 5:47:02 AM
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia): A
French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he thought we
(Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to provoke a war in
He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn't be able to...
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Once more I have found myself hovering. Found, yet fugative still. Touched by your song I'm awakened. The murky surf draws me by your troubled gaze. Come closer... command me.
YEA!! Thank you for playing my game. Takes a special person to appreciate the gerbil things in life.
Get down and lick me like the good kitty you are!
(Was that commanding enough?) ,o)
I promise I won't go away like that again.
(Was that commanding enough?) ,o)
I promise I won't go away like that again.
Once more I have found myself hovering. Found, yet fugative still. Touched by your song I'm awakened. The murky surf draws me by your troubled gaze. Come closer... command me.
What day is this?
Hahaha! don't tempt me with some request you can't fulfill!
shit my sexboytoy just fuccin' booted me last night; probably cause that broad from vegas had stinkypinky for me...eat me 2x
I see some fun changes with the SG site again, and just gets better every time! I guess that is why I come back... that and the obvious.
Thinking of something to say................................................................. well l would but most of my week is buisness and that would bore the hell out of me, and mostly any peeps here! I'l just wait till the bindge drinking stress...
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Regarding your Profile pic, Spiky said he wouldnt feel right. Something about animal cruelty?
aww shucks, and i'm so fluffy and cute when i'm out of the bath, too. +o(
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death Squad
The Original Los Angelas Death...
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you know I was gonna ask if your name meant THE LADS.
Just got back from the Electronic and Adult Entertainment Trade Shows in Las Vegas!
Really glad to be back home becouse Vegas can be soooooo exhausting with all the parties/drinking and
ing! SG should have a booth there... really! I notice on the side bar a few new postings--- must see! Any peeps want to see some pics from today at the AE event, just...
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heh heh... you really threw yourself into it, eh?
Uber lux!
Who said I don't have freinds?!
Yes... sharks are inclined to bite when they smell blood. I'll keep my wounds out of the water!
...because you haven't added them. Now go add some!
Good times today! Accepted two new clients and one pending next week so things are beginning well for the year and occupation change! Was a little worried because of all this fucking pending war and shit!!
Anyhow, living for the day but mostly the night.
Congrat's! Hope the rest of the year is this good +o)
i really liked the sexy beast part. thank u for picking me
as one of your fav. girls. have u actually see this moove
"The sexy beast" if u haven't than u should, its really GOOD.
as one of your fav. girls. have u actually see this moove
"The sexy beast" if u haven't than u should, its really GOOD.
S-11 Redux:
(Channel) Surfing the Apocalypse
It is a well-known and widely accepted fact that, during wartime, news companies and governmental representatives fuse their voices together into one univocal beam of support for the national military objective. And, while, for many, this is a vital aspect of institutional patriotism, it is also a very dangerous and troubling reality. For, if the news media have abandoned their responsibility to objectively inform the population, then our concept of a democracy (which is founded on the ability for all citizens to choose their nation's destiny based on a full spectrum of information) is in desperate peril.
But imagine a mediascape in which politicians actually said what they meant and meant what they said. One where the talking heads on broadcast news actually challenged the powerful interests in Washington not with fangless sensationalism, but with insightful deconstructions of true power and its manipulations.
We can't.
At least, not in the current corporate controlled environment of media ownership. And especially not with the so-called War on Terrorism and its burgeoning McCarthyistic clampdown on open displays of dissent.
So, in the face of our media's shameless propaganda campaign, we have taken it upon ourselves to intuit what the intentions and goals of this war truly are. In what is surely a departure from our traditional NewsVideo format, GNN presents S-11 Redux: (Channel) Surfing the Apocalypse. Culled from over 20 hours of television footage recorded over a one month period and across 13 networks, S-11 Redux is a sound-bite blitzkrieg that challenges the messages we have been fed from our mainstream media and the government it serves. Be warned - this video moves quickly and will require at least two viewings to digest its full impact. You may never be able to look at S-11 and its post-impact coverage the same way, ever again.