So the concert was awesome. Well, sorta. I we managed to invade the Japanese buffet in Tampa with five minutes to spare before the lunch serving ended. We were encouraged to fill as many plates as possible because all the other food would be thrown away. I still felt like such a typical fat American though. I mean we had 10 plates of food between the four of us. Needless to say I was full after that. Then we went to the concert. I'm sad to say that no matter where I go that I'm the only one rocking the SG shirt. Got some interesting looks from some goth chicks but no members approached me. Interpol was awesome, as usual. I think I kinda got the hots for Carlos. He looks so cute swinging his bass around like its a chopstick. Bass players always have the most fun. Then Thursday went on. I wish I could say that their live show made me change my mind about them but no, I still consider them a second rate At the Drive-In with a bad singer. Then The Cure went on which was a total disappointment. I hate bands that know they have AT LEAST THREE HOURS of good material to play but insist on trying to back their new CD. A CD they made in the spirit of trying to recapture the moment when they were young and NOT millionaires. It just makes it irrelevant. They did play a lot of the goodies. Lovesong made me wish my girl was there with me....
great set in suicide boys by the way.
Also, The Hudsucker Proxy ("You know, for kids") and Peter Jackson are fabulous! I'm glad someone else has an appreciation for Jackson's early work rather than the usual, "I LOVE LOTR... what? He did other movies, too?"
Anyway, great job-- keep up the good work for all of our sakes!