Hey guys, I normally try to stay very positive on here, however this time isn’t going to be one of those times. I promised you all I would be back soon, I would like to be. However, when my roommates and I were moving the moving company stole a lot of our stuff. They stole her guitar, her crystals, a lot of both of our clothes including most of my lingerie, half my shoes, and a lot of my shirts and pants. They stole a lot of clothing from us both that had sentimental value and/or memories attached to them. We’re currently both very stressed and upset. We’re currently trying to do inventory and estimate the worth of the items that were stolen. We know we most likely cant get the items back, but we will be filing a claim with them and hopefully we can get the cash value of everything stolen from us. I’m sorry for the negative post, but Im just so upset and frustrated. I needed a place to let all of this out as well as update you guys that I may not be back as soon as I was hoping.