Sooooooo, tomorrow I'm working at the Star Wars celebration at the Excel in London! Is anyone else going at all?
If you manage to see me, come say hi!
Also, only 2 months and 2 weeks until Fleur De Vie!
Sooooooo, tomorrow I'm working at the Star Wars celebration at the Excel in London! Is anyone else going at all?
If you manage to see me, come say hi!
Also, only 2 months and 2 weeks until Fleur De Vie!
Another big of blog homework! I'm catching up now I finally understand what I need to do! (Naturally blonde, me? ;) ) @rambo @missy
I'd like to introduce you to the most beautiful elf in all of Arda....
When the fellowship first came out I eas around 8 years old, all I can remember from the first time watching it was how Gandalf
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Sooooooo, my first bit of blog homework!
I did a little get to know me about a month ago when I first submitted my set, but I'm at 50 (halfway to 100.... Nearly there... I'm having a slow start) followers now, I thought you'd deserve a better blog post!
So here we go.....
10 - I have Crohn's disease.
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Apparently the British summertime has begun. What a load of shit that is.
I'm based in the south of England just outside of Brighton, and it's done nothing but piss it down and have thunderstorms all week.
I can't stand rain, it is possibly one of my biggest fears being wet whilst fully clothed. Maybe I should just go out everywhere naked. That might solve...
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I was headgirl at my secondary school, and had a huge fear of public speaking, and speaking Infront of crowds. I say I had a huge fear, I still do. It's still there.
Anyway, I was asked once whether I'd do a speech about politics and how politics affected me as a young girl with my life ahead of me.
I did a shit load...
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Oh my fucking god.
What a disaster.
If you're not in the know of the weather which took place at download festival this weekend, check this out ....fucking river
Whilst this was happening I was getting soaked in the main area. I had had a shower and paid £4 to blow dry my hair that morning.... So wasn't happy when it started to rain!...
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Soooooo, I thought I'd add a quick post with abit more information about me.
I'm london born, Brighton bred. I play guitar and have done so since I was 8 (shout out to Avril Lavigne for teaching me that girls can skateboard and play guitar and be cool as fuck).
I also swear like a sailor. I can't help myself from swearing, so apologies in...
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I finally managed to submit a set to SG after first applying when I was 18. It doesn't go into member review for another 4 months, but I'm so glad I've finally managed to do something after years of putting it off.
So, I guess the countdown starts!
4 MONTHS TO GO!!!!!!
In the meantime, you can follow me here :