Well, im going to jump in straight to the point... Life has been crazy recently and I've had to spend lots of time with my family recently due to a cancer scare.
As you all know by now, I suffer from Crohn's disease, which means I'm at a high risk of developing bowel cancer. I had part of my intestine taken out a few weeks ago at an unexpected trip to a&e.
Doctors did whatever they needed to do and during an investigation found two very large lumps in the peice they took out. I was told to prepare myself for the worse, however biopsy came back all clear! Nothing cancerous in me.... thank fuck!
I'm quite glad it's all over, still healing however, and work is also quite busy, so I've been reasonably quiet on all social media.
I couldn't thank my family and friends enough for the support they've given me during this time. Now.... I think it's time I got healthy again! 😂