Well, don't fear me. Rather, be my friend and we will have glorious times. GLORIOUS!
I cannot remember when I last had a good nights sleep.
A quick recap:
Last week my dad flew down to Kentucky to help me move and drive back up with me.

He rocks my socks!
So we packed and ate, played guitar, and indulged in vices with my Kentucky family. It couldn't have gone better.
On the morning that we were leaving, my friends, my dad, and I went to the Barrel of Crackers to enjoy a farewell meal.

Such wonderful people. And they got up really early for me which is saying something. Lazy monkeys they be!
After breakfast, we all when back to the homestead for one last epic picture!

And EPIC is was, swords and all.
Then we were off. The trip went perfectly fine and my car performed wonderfully, as it should after putting over two grand into it for preparation. Jasper is an excellent traveler sleeping most of the way.

The beast is waking!
I am truly a lucky man to have such a wonderful dog. Even though I got him through the worst situation possible, I couldn't be happier. SOOOOOOOOO, after we got back I've worked for 4 days and then went to the shore for fathers day. Jasper loves the shore so much.

Funny anime puppy!
It is so good to be home and feel whole again.
I will want to hang out with many of my SG compadres sooner or later. So be ready!
Well, don't fear me. Rather, be my friend and we will have glorious times. GLORIOUS!
I cannot remember when I last had a good nights sleep.
A quick recap:
Last week my dad flew down to Kentucky to help me move and drive back up with me.

He rocks my socks!
So we packed and ate, played guitar, and indulged in vices with my Kentucky family. It couldn't have gone better.
On the morning that we were leaving, my friends, my dad, and I went to the Barrel of Crackers to enjoy a farewell meal.

Such wonderful people. And they got up really early for me which is saying something. Lazy monkeys they be!
After breakfast, we all when back to the homestead for one last epic picture!

And EPIC is was, swords and all.
Then we were off. The trip went perfectly fine and my car performed wonderfully, as it should after putting over two grand into it for preparation. Jasper is an excellent traveler sleeping most of the way.

The beast is waking!
I am truly a lucky man to have such a wonderful dog. Even though I got him through the worst situation possible, I couldn't be happier. SOOOOOOOOO, after we got back I've worked for 4 days and then went to the shore for fathers day. Jasper loves the shore so much.

Funny anime puppy!
It is so good to be home and feel whole again.
I will want to hang out with many of my SG compadres sooner or later. So be ready!


that's my new place! if you turn up the sound on the vid i do a stupid narrative

The hotels are also cheaper in New Orleans. Much cheaper.