Haven't blogged here in years. ACTUALLY years. So here's an update.

I'm doing fine. I love life. I'm good........how are you?

More importantly WHO NEEDS PHOTOS?

I'm at the point now where the day-job is looking semi-ditchable thanks to all the photo and graphics work rolling in, so I say let's bring it on. If you're an aspiring SG in the UK looking for high-quality...
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With my loyalties lying more with the DeviantArt site, I doubt I'll have time to make journal entries here as well. Much as I love this site, you gotta draw the line somewhere or spend your entire life filling in little text boxes instead of going out and doing things to be worth writing about! So if you're interested in finding out more about me,...
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ah the smiling thing. i do have teeth.. .many, actually. Every single one. wink I've got some smiling pics for candid laying around a few places. But for artistic shots, not so much... I always feel like a jackass when I smile wide for the camera, especially when Sir Wolf is on the other end skull
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I see good soul in your eyes - this means many.