Last night I got to hold a baby that was 2 1/2 weeks old and only weighed 6 pounds. He was so freakin' cute I almost cried. His little eyes were barely 3/4" wide and he was so little and cute he didn't even look like he was a human yet. He kept puckering up his little lips for kisses... Read More
There are times that I go to bed by eleven or midnight or so, but I can't fall asleep. I remember last looks at the clock as late as four or five am, and the sinking feeling that the alarm is going off around six-thirty.
Usually I'm able to drag my ass out of bed and go to work, with the aid of three Cherry... Read More
Bryce moved in with me on Tuesday. That makes me very, very happy. so Tuesday was a little hectic. And then last night I was feeling like I was getting the flu, so I lay around ALL night with a slight fever. I was no fun. But we slept for about 10 hours and I felt really good this morning. As the day wore on... Read More
OMG! Morningstar Buffallo wings used to be one of my favorite things to eat.. I like to make them ,and then heat up a hamburger bun in the oven and make a chicken sammich out of them with lettuce and tomato and all the fixin's.. good shit!
ps. you were never out of my good graces.. .. well... okay maybe a little.. but you're back in now!
Today at work I was reaching into a nearly empty box to throw away the packaging. I happened to look down to see a big, gargantuan, black roach run across the bottom of the box. Aside from spiders I'm really not too scared of bugs. But I screamed pretty loud. It was revolting. It was from Oklahoma.
Spiders and roaches don't bother me much (luckily, I haven't seen a roach in years).
Buuuut, silverfish and firebrats make me want to gag! Blah, they are nastly little bugs.
Back in Florida when I was in middle school I knew this kid who would brag about eating roaches. We knew each other for quite sometime, I think we even went to grade school together before we became friends. He use to be really bright. We didn't talk or anything for a couple of years and I had heard from a mutual friend that something BAD happened to him. Apparently once I left Florida he got obsessed with the Freemasons and was convinced they were after him, along with the Illuminati. I found this especially funny because he would always get annoyed whenever I mentioned such subjects before his freak out. We hung out a few times years later and he told me about "the conspiracy" and that he had gone completely mad, got locked up and everything. Now he's a dumb jock obsessed with "fucking bitches"and we no longer communicate. Anyway, you reminded me of this story, and I can't help but wonder if he degenerated because he ate roaches.
Portland and seattle have both been on this list of places to check out someday for years now.. but anything i do is going to be down the road a while yet.. who knows, i could change my mind entirely next week...
Haloween was ok.. pretty tame and my plans to go to pittsburgh got all fouled up at the last minute so i couldn't go, but i did have fun in the french quarter so it wasn't a total loss.. plus with the outfit i got to amuse myself by watching people try not to stare
I'm getting pretty excited for Halloween. Bryce and I are going up to Seattle for the weekend to go out with Miss Jager pants and some bad boys. Bryce is going to wear stilts and be a Day of the Dead guy, and I'm going to be a roller cowgirl. I was going to be a roller viking but I don't think I can handle... Read More
Nothing better than going to Dantes to perform and seeing not only the psycho who was obsessively, creepily in love with you. And ten minutes later your ex-husband whom you hate. I burnt my hair.
Bryce and I went to Peaches last night and it kicked ass. The Punk Group is really good. I think they're local. If you ever get a chance go see them.
Peaches was a bad ass and even tolerated the stupid bitch next to me groping her legs through the whole show. I think the poor girl thought she was at a Bon Jovi concert,... Read More
"And sometimes when you're on,
you're really fucking on. And your friends all sing along and they love you. But the lows are so extreme, that the good seems fucking cheap. And it teases you for weeks in it's absense."
-Kiley O'Reily
That in no way applies to my life, but it's a great song.......
Hate The Cliques-
By The Way-
I Think You Are Way Cute My Dear