At the Pyramid Base
Ah! Bursting explosion
Cannon ball over me under my head
your hands pull my hair and
snap my neck back
'til your push makes me pull
screaming torment
sizzle the deep-fat-fryer method of pain...
Oh, pain! Monotonous keeps me around
like the sound of your voice
as I drown to the level of knocked out wind and conciousness.
And dolphins' screams trying to tell me they know how it feels.
And frogs teem around us their croaking a beautiful way to fall asleep.
-A13K23 1.29.96 Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemini
That is the only thing I have ever got published. What do you think I am talking about?
I just literally tripped over this old mixed tape a made the first boy I was ever in love with. My little cutness of a Watermelon Truckstock put it out for me. (WT weights only .9 pounds, btw!)
But anyways, this tape is blowing my mind. It was a bed time sleepy tape, and there are songs on here I forgot existed. Music can always have such strong associations with times in your life, etc, but it's even one step stranger when listening to an old mixed tape. Every song has meaning, invokes a feeling, I remember so much.
I don't even know if Ari is dead or alive. Quite possibly dead. If not, I wonder if he ever listens to this tape still and thinks about me. With regret.
Ah! Bursting explosion
Cannon ball over me under my head
your hands pull my hair and
snap my neck back
'til your push makes me pull
screaming torment
sizzle the deep-fat-fryer method of pain...
Oh, pain! Monotonous keeps me around
like the sound of your voice
as I drown to the level of knocked out wind and conciousness.
And dolphins' screams trying to tell me they know how it feels.
And frogs teem around us their croaking a beautiful way to fall asleep.
-A13K23 1.29.96 Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemini
That is the only thing I have ever got published. What do you think I am talking about?
I just literally tripped over this old mixed tape a made the first boy I was ever in love with. My little cutness of a Watermelon Truckstock put it out for me. (WT weights only .9 pounds, btw!)
But anyways, this tape is blowing my mind. It was a bed time sleepy tape, and there are songs on here I forgot existed. Music can always have such strong associations with times in your life, etc, but it's even one step stranger when listening to an old mixed tape. Every song has meaning, invokes a feeling, I remember so much.
I don't even know if Ari is dead or alive. Quite possibly dead. If not, I wonder if he ever listens to this tape still and thinks about me. With regret.
would you then say it's entirely possible to imply things without coming right out in a linear speech pattern and saying them?