I went to the Crystal Ballroom for their Halloween party with my 'Death' costume. Parked my car in a garage about a block from the Ballroom. As I was heading out of the garage the attendant handed me a card with a number on it. He tried to explain what it was for, but his English wasn't very good so I nodded and...
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Thank you for this amusing and exhausting tale. Nodding and smiling is always dangerous. wink
I'm so depressed. I should be happy... but I'm not. I'm getting the keys to my new house today and I'm taking next week off to move in. When I say new... I mean new. Just finished construction on it this month.

I've bought thousands of dollars in new, swank furniture. I still have a few thousand left over for decorating. I will have no...
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I don't think we talked about your Seattle trip... how was it?

And, I hear they're breeding cats that don't irk your allergies (as scary and big brother as that sounds).


Thank God I'm drunk. Otherwise I'm sure I would be in quite a bit of pain at the moment.

I was in downtown Portland in Pioneer Square at about 11:30 and some drugged out gang banger was talking some shit. I was trying to be nice... diplomatic and cool, but he clocked me three or four times. I walked away. I didn't even get angry...
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That is so fucking awesome that you didn't retaliate and that you're so level headed about it. If only everyone could be like that...


wow, I agree with Curiosity....thats really cool!....and rare

So much to do, and so little time. I'm moving in 3 weeks, but I haven't even started packing yet.

A little background. I own a house and I live with two roommates. When I move, they will be renting from me. Probably 80% of my house is filled with my roommates crap... they just can't stop buying useless junk.

I, on the other hand,...
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My emotions are all over the freakin' map the last few weeks. Manic, depressed, angry, excited, serene. Of course you wouldn't know it fromt he outside. Maybe I'm ending up like my namesake. If a person is going crazy, can they know it? If they do know it, are they really crazy?
I've been working my ass of at the gym this week. Cardio for at least 40 min every day and then add another 30 min of weights every other day. My neck is sore, my shoulders and chest are sore. Surprisingly my legs are not. Of course, it took 630 lbs of leg press to make them sore last time and that's bordering on dangerous...
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Today has actually been a really cool day. Had lots of energy, got lots done. Partially excited about starting a new business. Partially exercise and caffine induced.
you have good taste@apnea & fractal.
I replaced my picture... It's not that I'm a hideous creature or anything. I consider myself quite good looking, but I like a little annonymity. (Not that anyone is perusing my little corner of SG anyway... but just in case)