Photo by @tramais
name:: Kate
nickname:: KTStrange
how old are you:: 31
zodiac sign:: Cancer/Leo cusp, Sag rising, 7th House (IYKYK).
current location:: Home in the STL.
eye color:: Blue-green.
hair color:: Pink.
hair type:: Wavy/layered, mid-length.
hieght:: 5' 3"
your heritage:: Scotch-Irish, German, British-English.
what's your middle name:: You guess!
shoes you wore today:: My pink fuzzy slippers.
your weakness:: $$$ and prezzies
your fear:: Very few of those left, truthfully.
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: Yes, a couple of times.
do you want to:: Meh, I had the experience.
goal you would like to achieve this year:: I achieved most of my goals this year.
first thought when you wake up:: Check phone.
best physical feature:: My eyes seem to be the most popular.
who is your bestest friend:: My mom, Blythe, Angela, my man.
when is your bedtime:: Early af lately! Tonight I want to be in bed by 8. Sleeping more to get over being sick!
your most cherished memory:: So, so many. Twin Peaks Festival 2016, my first wedding day (as he has passed on), Spooky Empire 2022 is my most recent one.
pepsi or coke:: Coke Zero.
mcdonald's or burger king:: Mickey D's, bb!
single or group dates:: One on one.
what is the last song you sang:: Probably something by Qveen Herby
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: No, I usually assume they're poor lmao!
what is your biggest pet peeve:: Compulsive liars
do you drink:: Sparingly
ever been drunk:: Unfortunately.
do you smoke:: I'm back on the vape when I go out, but otherwise no.
do you "SMOKE":: Chyeah!
do you sing:: Karaoke is fun when drinking.
what color underwear do you have on:: None right now, I just got out of the shower ;)
do you want to go to college:: Yes, for my Master's.
have you ever been in love:: Of course, many times.
do you want to get married:: Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.
do you believe in yourself:: All day, every day, baybeeee!
do you believe in others:: Less so.
do you like thunderstorms:: Yes. The sounds of the thunder are my passed loved ones talking to me.
do you play an instrument:: I used to play piano when I was young.
what do you want to be when you grow up:: I just want to have a community who helps each other and sees each other win.
what country would you like to visit:: GREECE!
how many CD's do you own:: I still have a few! Maybe about 20.
how many DVD's do you own:: Wayyy more than 20. Over 100?
how many tattoos do you have:: I stopped counting individual tattoos after my sleeve got finished in 2021.
how many piercings do yo have:: Only like 16 now. Want moarrr!
how many things in the past do you regret:: There are a couple of memories that sting my heart, but I'm grateful for my life now.
shoes:: My Doc Martens, of course!
radio station:: I make my own playlists now on Apple Music.
drink:: Thai iced tea, bubble tea, smoothies, Red Bull Ultra Zero
car:: 2021 Hyundai Santa Cruz
place:: North Bend, WA (Twin Peaks, baby!)
song:: Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger
movie:: School of Rock
moment:: Meeting Kyle MacLachlan? Hell that's hard lol.
color:: Yellow
meal:: Sushi
favorite eye color:: I love them all, but the brown-eyed ones stick to me like magnets.
favorite hair color:: Also love them all!
short or long hair:: Either
height:: I like my dudes tall and my ladies petite.
body type:: All kinds!
does ethnicity matter:: Not in the slightest.
piercings:: Sure! :)
tattoos:: Please! :)
do you think you are attractive:: Yes!
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: No, they all know lol!
would you like to be someones fantasy:: I am, right?! RIGHT?!
hunter or hunted:: I like to be pursued.
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: Closed.
a little or a lot of tongue:: Both?
older or younger:: Older.
lights on/lights off or candle light:: Really any of 'em.
do you like to cuddle after:: Yes unless I'm too hot. :D
do you like to cuddle in general:: See above LOL!
what is todays date:: 10.26.2023
what time is it:: 8:22 AM CST
who are you thinking of:: Lost love
what are you listening to:: Nothing right now, probably time to turn on my videos.
do you love someone:: Yes, a few!
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: What is with this obsession? :D
does someone love you:: Lots of people!
is it raining:: No, but it was.
how many myspace friends do you have:: MYSPACE?! Bahahaha this is old. :D
are you happy:: Always and forever!
Talk soon, Strangers!
All My Love,
What fantastic information. I am enjoying all the ways you are letting us get to know you. ❤️
Candid and captivating 🤔