So I'm in philly for a little bit - and before I know it I'm being dragged into two weekends of family reunions. So this weekend - Buffalo NY where the mom's side is from, where I haven't been in YEARS. Next Weekend, is way out on the coast of Maine, past Blue Hill. That, I'm excited for. My dad's side is a bunch of...
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I thought maybe I'd explain why I never update and rarely comment on my friends' journals and sets and stuff. You see, my computer is very old. In fact, it wasn't even mine to begin with. It is an old iBook, one of the orignial ones I think, that came out in what, '99? It was imagoldfish's and when she bought a new shiny...
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dude, the trick with the clicker is to have a little piece of paper that you slip beneath it. that's what i always did. man, i miss that computer. you should wipe it and install tiger or something, see if that helps...
and yeah, it came out in '99. I think it's technically a 2nd generation, but still super old school.
i miss you lady!
and yeah, it came out in '99. I think it's technically a 2nd generation, but still super old school.
i miss you lady!
Good to know.
another 2 months go by.... Flying home tomorrrow to figure some shit out about life, i.e. - what's the meaning of it? Will be back next weekend with hopefully a clue about what that answer is.
But I cannot wait to see my parents. It's been almost 2 years since I've been at home, and I'm pretty sure things will have changed. And I finally...
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But I cannot wait to see my parents. It's been almost 2 years since I've been at home, and I'm pretty sure things will have changed. And I finally...
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Good luck pretty girl. It was nice talking to you.
I sincerely hope that you're still around next time I come visit. I think it'd be a sad day for both of us if you weren't.
I sincerely hope that you're still around next time I come visit. I think it'd be a sad day for both of us if you weren't.
hey darlin!
i hear you're home? i'll be back east august 2-16. you can come visit at my parents' in maine if you want. it's a killer house. i'll let you know where/when/what's going on & maybe we can see eachother...
i hear you're home? i'll be back east august 2-16. you can come visit at my parents' in maine if you want. it's a killer house. i'll let you know where/when/what's going on & maybe we can see eachother...
So it's been, what, 2 months since I updated? Oops. Well, I've gotten a new job, which I love, it's what I want to do, no money, but that's life. I love my boyfriend, we just had our "1 year back together" anniversary on the 5th... so happy. He's the absolute best. Friend Jeff is in from out of town, awesome, and I'm hanging out...
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what he said. i miss you!
I'm sorry.
I hope things go well for you, wherever you end up.
I hope things go well for you, wherever you end up.
Life is getting better. My boyfriend Dunx got a job - it's so awesome and I"m jealous. He totally gets better benefits than me and doesn't work for a crazy woman. My lil sis is in town and coming over for dinner tonight - she's heading off to germany soon I think too. She's also bringing me two new pairs of dansko shoes (we live(d)...
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what's your address? i want to send you stuff.
I covet your beagle. I really should consider being a professional dog babysitter or something. My cat will murder a dog in the house...but I want one so very badly.
Glad your man got a job. I hear those aren't so easy to come by in pdx. I'll be seeing about that shortly...
Glad your man got a job. I hear those aren't so easy to come by in pdx. I'll be seeing about that shortly...
Haha, I'm in the IRC's checking my email. For some reason my account here still works - I should come print out a bunch of shit. OH well. Gotta go eat at the Delta now. Yumm...... CHEERS!!!
i'll be in pdx in a week... see you then?
love/miss you tons - xoxoxoxoxo
love/miss you tons - xoxoxoxoxo
hey, remember how you bought that yarn so that i'd make you a hat and scarf, and i made the hat and not the scarf? so the last time i worked on the scarf, i think, was the superbowl. so it's appropriate that work will resume today.
i miss you lady.
i miss you lady.
I love silly putty. Especially Silver silly putty. It's awesome.
Why do they call it silly putty anyway? Personally I think It pretty ingenius...hmmm. Then again; I don't think ingenius putty works quite as well.

yeah, its pretty awesome. i think part of that is that it can get dirty so easily, and then never really get clean again. so rad.
I love showering. Feeling the hot water flowing down on you, washing away the dirt and grime. Letting the heat relax you, steaming those tense muscles into jelly. Washing my hair and feeling the soap cascade down my back, leaving me white and sudsy. Alone time or with someone else, this basic thing makes me so incredibly happy.
I love going to bed. Slipping into...
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I love going to bed. Slipping into...
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Stop it.
Add a big fleece blanky swap the boy and insert girl and then I would have to agree...I think with the right elements I good sleep a day straight.

I love drugs. Especially ones that make you better. Friday, I felt the best I've felt in about a month due to being sick. Apparently, doctors know what they are doing, if you can afford to go to them. Who knew? =)
On the other hand, I've taken about half of my vacation/sick time for the entire year already. oops. So no more sick KtKate....
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On the other hand, I've taken about half of my vacation/sick time for the entire year already. oops. So no more sick KtKate....
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yeah, I was totally down but the Beagle wanted you and Dunx all to itself.
some of us/them know what is going on. others, not so much.
Ha. So after a week of being sick, I finally went to the ER today to see a MD. After being sent home yesterday from work, after telling them I didn't have insurance yet through work cause they are cheap bastards, they called me and told me to see a doctor - they would pay. Very nice. So I spent 4 fucking hours in the...
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yessum. absolutely I do.
damn, you made out like a bandit, thats totally awesome.
I has such an amazing weekend, last weekend, that I'm gonna write about it right now. Even though it is almost another weekend. All I did was sleep and spend lots of quality time with Dunx. I think we saw a movie on friday, saw a few people on saturday, and again on sunday, but it was the nicest weekend I've had in a...
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hope you are feeling better.
I wrote this last week but felt like posting it today....
It was a dark and stormy morning when the young lady dashed out of her apartment building to catch the bus. Slow rain and gloom surrounded her as she ran across the street, the air crisp, wet, and cool. It gave a calming feel to the dark morning. The street lamps gleamed in the...
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It was a dark and stormy morning when the young lady dashed out of her apartment building to catch the bus. Slow rain and gloom surrounded her as she ran across the street, the air crisp, wet, and cool. It gave a calming feel to the dark morning. The street lamps gleamed in the...
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oh sweetheart thanks for making me smile! I know you want to visit, I would totally buy you a ticket if I could. you and d. are exempt from my grumbling of course. happy new year & see you soonish I hope. ps - I'm going to tahoe like feb 11-14 or so, just letting you know early in case you might be able to come. miss you & love you tons
I like it. Its flows at a steady pace, and Its not descriptive to the point of being bogged down.
soooo i'll be at a hotel on E 63d from the 10th till the 14th. or visit me in maine before then. either way, i want to see you. xoxo.