I'm on the moon right now, sipping this Cabernet that I'm sampling. Feeling great. (^ν^) v lol anyway...I've only been a member of this site for half a week now. But, I'm no stranger to SG. I've kept up with the site through news and photos. I guess if anything I didn't have the means to get a membership. Plus I lived with my parents until a few years ago.
Got off topic (I tend to do that, heh) I love the site so far. Still, I haven't yet fathomed all the places to check out on this website. So that's awesome. It's everything I had thought it would be. I started art communities and car forums (I.e. DeviantArt & ClubRSX), so it'll be interesting to get to know people here.
Lastly, I just want to thank those following me. It's an awkward thing for me to say, but oddly I've always been shy and even uncomfortable with good gestures to me (yeah I'm weird lol). I didn't really think much of myself because I came from so little in the Philippines. So I've just been busy soaking in the world. <3
I'm gonna continue Skyrim-ing now. Oyasumi [good night].