Good evening SG Land,
Some good news: next weekend my boyfriend & I will be having somewhat of a staycation downtown at theWit Hotel. (*^^*) I was only going to book it for one night, but said FUCK IT #yoloswagforjesus lol...We booked 2 nights so we can at least enjoy the suite for the weekend! We're going to try and shoot 2 sets in different locations. I hope it works out & I hope one of 'em makes me pink. *hopeful sigh* In the meantime, I will be working out some to prep my body (I took a break from my usual workout routine for Thanksgiving) & practicing poses. It doesn't help that I don't have a fuckin' body mirror though. :( I gotta work on that this weekend. However, I have been skipping around SG, giving a BUNCH of sets LOTS of hearts & also studying sets (mainly poses). I love my body but the one thing I would change---if I could---is my shoulders. They're broad like a dudes! LOL xD But whatevah...gotta work around it somehows.
Now the contemplation part? Well...I found out that there is a Koneko Suicide. *womp womp* Moon stated, however, I could still be KonekoSan if I wanted. My boyfriend and friend say I should stick to my name. But, I don't know...they just sounds too close and feel like I'd be "biting" her if I kept it. It would be kind of a disprespect to both of our individualities, right? Wrong? I'm deeply interested in some feedback from you lovely people. There are two other nicknames that I am also thinking about changing it to: Midnight or KSpec (K-Spec). Midnight---here it goes---is the name of my alter-ego, but would call me that in certain moments. I don't speak of her much. K-Spec is another and spawns from my love of automotive tuning and racing. Yes, I am a car girl. :) And no I ain't "ricey" lol...
SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YA THINK! :D I'd greatly appreciate it.
Have a splendid rest of your eve'!
Stay classy. <3