Last Entry Of The Year!
First of all, how the fuck did 2005 go so fast? Seriously, things that happened at the beginning of the year seem like they happened days ago.
I can't even say that it was an interesting year at all. I think it was just there. I met new people (a lot of them being you fine fine folks), lost a couple of friends (one specifically, nameless, nameless), figured out (kinda sorta) what I wanna do, even though I'm sure it won't be what I do.... and well, shit I dunno...
The cool part is, unlike last year, I'm in Manhattan for winter break, which also means I won't be incredibly alone as the new year rolls by. I'm looking forward to that. Last year I sat in my big chair in my den and drank champagne by myself... the year before that, repeat. Year before that, repeat, only.... in the dining room. Fuck you Staten Island, you will NOT suck out my soul.
(Try it Staten, and I will cut your face.)
Now, if only a certain boy would come back from fucking Morman land...
I'm not going to make resolutions. What I am going to do is make promises to myself, like keeping my room clean and seeing friends more often. Also not drinking so much soda any more. Oh.... and going to the gym. But that's obvious.
Okay kids, I love yous guys, see yah next year. har har

First of all, how the fuck did 2005 go so fast? Seriously, things that happened at the beginning of the year seem like they happened days ago.
I can't even say that it was an interesting year at all. I think it was just there. I met new people (a lot of them being you fine fine folks), lost a couple of friends (one specifically, nameless, nameless), figured out (kinda sorta) what I wanna do, even though I'm sure it won't be what I do.... and well, shit I dunno...
The cool part is, unlike last year, I'm in Manhattan for winter break, which also means I won't be incredibly alone as the new year rolls by. I'm looking forward to that. Last year I sat in my big chair in my den and drank champagne by myself... the year before that, repeat. Year before that, repeat, only.... in the dining room. Fuck you Staten Island, you will NOT suck out my soul.

(Try it Staten, and I will cut your face.)
Now, if only a certain boy would come back from fucking Morman land...

I'm not going to make resolutions. What I am going to do is make promises to myself, like keeping my room clean and seeing friends more often. Also not drinking so much soda any more. Oh.... and going to the gym. But that's obvious.

Okay kids, I love yous guys, see yah next year. har har

I like your badass picture with the knife.

Hey I heard Staten island went crying to its mommy and got grounded for being a tattle tail. Hope you had a good night. Cheers Zeb