So i was watching Southpark the other day and it was about the Peta group. Not knowing too much about Peta i went to their website to check it out. When i got to the site i couldnt believe what they had on it. There is this clip on Fur Shops. and it shows how they kills the animal and also it shows then skinning the racoon alive! I couldnt believe it. I was so appalled (spelling?) that i wanted to cry but instead i turned it off. I know that some of the things that i wear sometimes are animal skin. Like leather shoes... but i dont think i will ever buy a fucking fur coat. That was just sick and it made me want to never eat meat again. i felt so bad for that animal.

Scary, huh? How about when they do kill them, they electrocute them ANALLY! So as not to mess up any fur as they do it. Ow. Yes, all those fur pieces are beautiful- but they look just as good ON THE ANIMALS! Poor babies.
Yeah that is just horrible. I cant believe How people treat animals.