I would have left that blog up longer but I have new additions and fun things you all need to know about. Yep that is right I am incredibly excited to let you all in on a huge secret.
One that better make your panties crawl with anticipation. You better squirm with antsyness...... ok ok or just be excited damnit....
I have been trying to work with Alissa for well about three years now... Basically since day one of being on this site. She is busy and I am busy and long distance really made things hard...but GUESS WHAT LADIES AND GENTS.... We got to shoot together a bit back while she was in town... I know I told you all about that then...but the set has been submitted and ON SEPTEMBER 4TH AT 1 AM....YES 1 AM I KNOW YOU WILL ALL BE TIRED....BUT COME ON NOW. THIS IS EPIC IN THE MAKING.... YOU CAN SEE "RUBY RED"
So countdown has begun: Only 19 days!!!!!!
And because I cant excite you that much and not show you one image... I suppose you get this:
And that really is all you get til the 4th because I am that excited for this set....I want it to be a surprise!
So stay tuned! Can you tell I am antsy and excited? Hahah
I got a few more photos back from Wizard World....so I just wanted to add these for you to see as well:
Churtch and I
xHeartSwornx and I
So King and I decided....we can not hug without enjoying our boobies touching. So We had to document the love. Yes my boobies touched hers!! Are you jealous? I would be! She is a babe!
I also have to bring to your attention that The Amazing Mike Pecci....aka Sureality here on SG is selling DVDs for his short Grind House films. And I have to say you all really need to check this out.
If you go here you can buy the DVDs...... I really think you all should..... AND IF YOU DO HAPPEN TO BUY THE DVDS PLEASE PLEASE USE MY NAME A REFERENCE.
Also please do not forget about LIL MONSTER still in MR. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see this set of mine making it to the Front Page. Writeboy really is one very talented dude who I work so well with. He has a lot of dedication in his work...and I know he has a lot of hot sets coming up with some hot models...so keep eyes peeled for those as well. After you leave my Lil Monster set some love of course hahahahh!
And lastly.... I applied a while back to be in a Music Video. I was thinking the whole time. I have never acted. I have never done anything like this. And being on SG is the only modeling I have really done. So I will try but ha I am not gonna get it. Well I stayed positive after that. And guess what....the band and directors liked my look they asked me to do it. So I am super nervous now and super excited. It will be really neat to get my name out there and to support SG on a bigger caliber and to promote them while doing it and also supporting and promoting the band. I just hope I surprise myself and do fantastic because I would love to continue to do things such as this. I will keep you all updated when i know more. But for now I know the song, the name of the band and that we will be shooting in the next few weeks! They were all so nice and I can not wait. But super antsy and nervous. Wish me luck!!! I guess I should stop thinking negatively and start having more confidence in myself cause good things just may happen!
If you missed my last blog.... I am going to spoiler it for you....as Epic times were had this year at Wizard World Chicago and I wanted to share it all with you....so if you didn't get a chance to check it out....you can by clicking below...
thanks lol <3
It was great meeting you too! I wish things would have went differently so I could of hung out with you ladies more!