Well the article I took my first ever proffesional type snaps for is up on the web.. Of course they used the worst pic for the web article.. who can account for taste?!
Eh, debating the whole quitting thing.. I guess I can confirm my account is on yearly, then it's only $48/yr... SG is good diversion from other activities I'm trying to lay low on (for reasons of expense or otherwise!) so perhaps it'd be best to keep it..
as for the mailbox.. HAHAH.. I seriously thought it was a gravestone, guess I should have looked a bit closer... honestly I'd just keep mum on what it is, the heart/snow/gravestone makes a cool kinda combo!
crap, photo exchange?.. need..to.. get.. taking..photos.. again... been so bad. Took none of the fam at christmas (didn't feel the desire), most I'll do is today or tomorrow I'll be taking some photos of a co-worker (who's about 2 weeks shy of giving birth, she wanted some "REALLY PREGNANT" pics)...
as for the mailbox.. HAHAH.. I seriously thought it was a gravestone, guess I should have looked a bit closer... honestly I'd just keep mum on what it is, the heart/snow/gravestone makes a cool kinda combo!
crap, photo exchange?.. need..to.. get.. taking..photos.. again... been so bad. Took none of the fam at christmas (didn't feel the desire), most I'll do is today or tomorrow I'll be taking some photos of a co-worker (who's about 2 weeks shy of giving birth, she wanted some "REALLY PREGNANT" pics)...