Sunday Sep 10, 2006 Sep 10, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 12 of 12 COMMENTS fadedorion: i love Conan, best thing out of Canada since, well, ever. Sep 16, 2006 ehma: I love the Coner Boner! It is pretty fucking hard to find people in this town that arent always so focused on getting high huh? And even when you extend out to more Portland and the 'burbs it's the same fucking thing, and it's realllllllllly agrivating. *Slams face on the desk* Sep 16, 2006
It is pretty fucking hard to find people in this town that arent always so focused on getting high huh? And even when you extend out to more Portland and the 'burbs it's the same fucking thing, and it's realllllllllly agrivating.
*Slams face on the desk*