If someone is into me, he will find me. He will ask for my number. If he doesn't... he just isn't that into me. End of story. I am not guessing why anymore, or at least I will try not to, because no matter what the excuse he has for his bad behavior it all comes down to one thing: He just isn't that into me.
I will drop any guy like a hot potato the minute his behavior makes me feel bad about myself.
He is gone the minute he makes me feel confused with his mixed messages.
I will drop any guy like a hot potato the minute his behavior makes me feel bad about myself.
He is gone the minute he makes me feel confused with his mixed messages.
Yeah, I've seen Pi also. It was quite a while ago though. Very cool concept. All those Kate's from England are hot. Winslet, Bekinsale, and Blanchet.
Life is too short for mixed messages.